reseller legislation


New member
Does anyone know about a law before congress that would require website hosting resellers to post a statement that they are resselling for another company on their main page in 12 point bold type, with a link to the company that actually manages the hadware?

I have been getting a load of inquiries about it but I do not seem to be able to find anything online. But I have had too many people tell me about it for it to be a rumor.

I guess too many people have had losses from uncontrolled overselling and someone with some clout is pushing the government to do something about it.

I am not really worried about it myself. Since we see how well the can spam laws are stopping the spam!

Do you think it will hurt resellers?
I have never heard of that and it sounds absurd. I'd like to think Congress works on important issues, however wrong that may seem to some.
important issues

I would like to think congress works on important issues also, but I have seen them talk about taxing e-mail and anything else they could. Thats just a fact.

I would assume that this issue is part of a larger bill that encompasses more than one issue. Like the DMCA or COPA.

I agree it is absurd. But so was the bill they passed to allow isp's to charge a premium for allowing higher speed access to your website to their customers. A diliberate way of shutting down small business.

Absurd is correct. But congress is known for passing one absurd law after another. Calling major league baseball players in to threaten if they do not clean up their act they will lose their monopoly.

How about serving a supeona to appear to Tery Schivo in a vegitative state to prevent the removal of a feeding tube?

I would like to think they work on important issues, but it just not always true.
I don't think there is anything like that, because as of now, there is no internet police or anything serious and I don't think that the reseller fact of hosting is important enough for the Congress to deal with.
You must keep in mind that the US congress can't make the law for other countries. Such a measure would only help distroy the US reseller hosting market, and make the resellers move to other shores. Since this isn't a sensitive subject like gambling, I find it hard to believe such a measure would easily gain support. Unless there are some really big hosting companies lobbying for it, of course. :)
Sounds like Urban Legend to me.
Most of this congress doesn't seem to even be able to turn on a computer (Mark Foley accepted) let alone have any interest in the hosting industry.
This would be very hard to believe. It's kind of like saying if you resell magazines, you have to make your source public. This would destroy things economically and I truthfully don't think they would take the risk. Think of how many companies would object to this situation, they would be forced to reconsider if they did such a thing.
I honestly don't think congress would waste their time on that. Most of the time you know people are reselling anyway...why would you need it in size 12 font?
Blue said:
Sounds like Urban Legend to me.
Most of this congress doesn't seem to even be able to turn on a computer (Mark Foley accepted) let alone have any interest in the hosting industry.

That is a very good point Blue, and I didn't even think about that..

Thats all the more reason to prove that they probably wouldn't do that, because there is probably just as many hosting business outside of the united stated, than In.
Someone somewhere is probably laughing right now. If it were true, this would be an incredibly specific piece of legislation which, IMHO, is very uncharacteristic for an industry that has had no real previous intervention.
Size 12 is vague (in some fonts, size 12 could be extremly tiny!). Second the word reseller isn't defined. There are many major ISPs that serve as resellers within certain markets or, perhaps, they may be in private peering arrangements/resell bandwidth in certain facilties. Where do we draw the line? This is most definately an outraged customer or ignorant fool emailing you.

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