Reseller or VPS


New member

Which one is the best hosting service to start a web hosting business? I have searched a lot about both hosting services, but not able to make the right decision.
It's posts like these that make me have a facepalm moment.

What would a company you are working for say when they find out you don't know the answer to a question like this (or do know?), or even asking it in the first place? While you are obviously hired to "promote" them, keep in mind that it actually looks really bad on them, as it makes the company look incompetent. Just a friendly word of advice.
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Dedicated or Cloud?
Coke or 7UP?
Mars or Jupiter?

@Smithwhuk you're not asking the right question.
You need to ask YOURSELF, at minimum, the following questions:
  • How much experience you have?
  • How much money do you have?
  • How much time do you have?
  • How good are you at troubleshooting?
  • How will you attract and maintain new client relationships?
Once you have those answers, you can better understand the bigger question - should you start a web hosting company?
Great find on that thread. Seems like this person is just trying to boost their post count and asking (and answering) their own questions - even if they answer them incorrectly ;)
To me he sound like he is one of those that will purchase a $2 a year all bells and whistles reseller plan from ebay and now calls himself a web host
It depends on many factors & your own personal capability.
Do you have the skills to run your own VPS? If not, then reseller is a good way to start, so long as it's a good reseller provider. Stay far away from unlimited reseller accounts in my opinion.
it's simple if you have skills in managing vps like installing update security backups, then you can go with vps along with your preferable panel, or if you new with limited budget then it is best to go with reseller hosting where you will have more time in marketing than managing.
As others have echoed, it depends on your Skill level and comfort with each service, at the end of the day your the one putting paying customers onto those services and your the one that needs to maintain it.

VPS for example opens up alot of more options, but also alot more responsibility for the server.
Keep in mind all the extra resposability you got when you order a VPS. Noone is doing a daily backup of each account, noone is checking for updates, noone is makin sure your server is secure etc.

If you dont have the knowledge to do this yourself, you should hire someone to do it. This will cost you more money. So maybe start with a reseller if you dont know the answer.
Keep in mind all the extra resposability you got when you order a VPS. Noone is doing a daily backup of each account, noone is checking for updates, noone is makin sure your server is secure etc.
That depends, even when ordered an unmaged VPS some providers will give you the option to order regular backups also if you order a managed server then the provider will deal with updates and making sure the server is secure etc. (but even if a provider can do this, i would research and try and do this yourself as this is the only way you will really learn how to manage servers), but yes you have more responsibility and flexibility when you have a VPS
The only thing a VPS offers that you cannot achieve with Reseller accounts is something that needs root access or something really weird hosting. CloudLinux hosts can provide a reseller account where the resources limits can provide the kind of performance you would get from a VPS. Only each user account can have its own limits within the Resellers limits, as well as filesystem isolation from CageFS. (i.e. better than a standard VPS). Of course the Control Panel, Backups etc are shared between everyone bringing the cost down below that of a VPS.

Which one is the best hosting service to start a web hosting business? I have searched a lot about both hosting services, but not able to make the right decision.
Hey there!
If you're planning to start your own web hosting business, then opting for reseller hosting is the most viable option. It's easy with a small learning curve, and you can grow your business, thus generating more income.
Here are a few advantages of reseller hosting:
1. Savings on Expenses
Reseller hosting provides a variety of packages with various levels of resources. The idea is comparable to a wholesaler offering bulk things cheaper than a store. Consequently, Reseller Hosting Business is the best solution for new businesses. There are also no prerequisites for obtaining the technology, equipment, or infrastructure required to provide professional hosting services to other customers.
2. Business Is the Focus
Choosing reseller hosting over other options saves time. Instead of focusing on the technical components of the hosting company, one may focus on the more specific aspects. As you may be aware, the apex web hosting provider is accountable for selling or renting you numerous services. This covers security, connection, server maintenance, and upgrades.
3. Room for Expansion
Reseller hosting is ideal for websites with high traffic and several pages. Reseller hosting gives you more space and more options if your company has many websites. For example, various website components may operate on several servers and URLs. You won't even need a separate hosting plan since everything is included in the main bundle.
4. Added Benefits
Comparing basic hosting packages to reseller hosting, the latter provides more features. Reseller hosting also comes with a far more effective control panel. Thus, managing websites becomes much more straightforward. Several firms will also give you cPanel and SSL certificates.
5. Branding
Of course, with reseller hosting, you get resources from a more prominent web host. However, you may use this to establish your brand's image and identity. In addition, it implies that when you host other websites, your customers won't know that you purchased or rented the same resources from another supplier.
6. Income Opportunities
If you opt to offer add-ons, you may earn more money with reseller hosting. SSL certificates, domain registrations, dedicated IP, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting are just a few examples of add-ons that may increase your earnings.
VPS can not be a right solution to resell hosting. Because its allocated resources are limited(CPU, RAM etc). All resold accounts share its resources. And you pay extra for management, softwares(like softaculous), backup and additional resources if needed. Buying a reseller hosting (or semi-dedicated hosting) would be better for small budget starters. Each resold accounts have separate resource limit, not required management, most tools(softaculous, backup etc) are free and affordable.
Each resold accounts have separate resource limit, not required management, most tools(softaculous, backup etc) are free and affordable.
the highlighted are not guaranteed with reseller hosting, as this all depends if the provider has these on the server
This all depends on your requirements and experience, as running a VPS does require amount of server and security administration (unless your willing to pay and go managed).
You would also have consider license costs etc with a VPS.

With Reseller any decent provider will support you to get started and would even migrate you to a VPS when your customer base becomes to big for shared server. I would recommend starting with reseller hosting and create a strategic plan on who you going to focus your sales on and grow before you consider a VPS.
Since VPS has had much better uptime, is much faster, and gives you much more freedom, since you can install any panel you want for example, it will be the best hosting solution for you.
Reseller Hosting would be a good point to start, because you get managed and optimized server, no need to worry much about technical issues your customers may experience, as you just address them to the hosting provider and they'd be able to resolve for you. However, it also depends on the current load of the server you get the reseller account on - overloaded server can be a problem, while a good and powerful VPS is another great option, but you should choose one with enough CPU, RAM and SSD storage, plus purchase cPanel / WHM licence to run a business.
Most reputable hosting providers would help setting up a reseller business for you.
Personally, I loved using a VPS before I switched to a dedicated server back in the day. The VPS gave me a lot of control and resources and when it was time to scale up, it was an easy transition. However, as others have said, you need consider your budget, your experience, and your goals.

If you are starting out, I would suggest a reseller. I started off with a reseller and did that for a year before moving up to a VPS and then dedi. This will help you build up that experience with your clients and tech support. Not too mention figure out your marketing and work through that side of things.
Reseller Hosting really good at the beginning. Try to understand the mechanics and how it works.

VPS is definitely the better option in this situation but can be more expensive.
Bandwidth is also critical as it has a tremendous impact on your site’s performance.
The more people you have coming in, the more bandwidth your site will require.

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