Restricting file access


New member

I know it can be done ('cause I've seen it repeatedly) but...

How can I restrict use of 1 (ONE) cgi script to a block of IP addresses (preferably with a redirection if not from the IP pool)?

I know it's to do with .htaccess/.htconf (GET POST.....).

Any ideas??

Thanks in advance.

not wanting to sound too dumb, but im not 100% sure what ur on about.
If you want to redirect people from an ip block to annother page, you can do it with php.

a very basic way to do it in php is below:
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
if ($ip == "xx.xx.xx.xx")
Header("Location: <a href='");' target='_blank'>");</a>

im not "one" with cgi so I cant help there, as Kevin said, try hotscripts

What I wanted to do was block all access to a file on our servers, unless they were connected to the net with an IP from a certain IP pool?

Anyway, I got it sorted (using .htaccess file).

Thanks anyway.
