Satellite Internet Connections


New member
Do any of you accept orders when the IP of the payment comes from a Satellite internet connection?

We call the number and verify with the card holder when these come through.

The reason I ask is that over the last few months we have seen 2 or 3 come through and I havent seen them in the past.
We had an IP come up as Hong Kong a few months back but when checking further the satellite provider confirmed the billing address he had was the same as the address I'd been given.

I did end up terminating the client for hosting pirate ebook's though :)
We have one client with a satellite provider. The initial payment was fine - the IP was in the same region. Some later orders were wildly out of the area, We called the satellite provider and had them confirm the addresses a few times. We kept a tighter watch on their activity, and there haven't been problems.

If this trend keeps up, we're going to have to raise our prices to account for the constant verification we have to do to accep their payments.

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