Search/mangement scripts required.


New member
Looking for a coder with good skills and possible work on a regular basis, updates, maint, etc. Working for a 'proper' company, registered and everything!

Required - raw or mods to existing GPL/open source, so tie in to any existing scripts that handle payment gateways that include the major UK banks and online PG's, etc.

Select category from drop down list form (up to 10 categories)

Selects subcategory drop down lists for multiple subcategory selections (up to 10 subcategories with 10 selection choices).

Returns results from DB to display a formatted list.

List will contain details to pass to a form to process an order or enquiry.

All data will be drawn from a MySQL database which will have data types including numeric, alphanumeric and image formats (image formats flexible on type).

Data entry will be by means of a simple data entry form with a browse/upload function for image types to DB an entry to be made of the name or reference using abbreviations of 2-3 fields and a numeric increment.

Go on your out there and bored - you can do it :D
Pm or e-mail to if your interested.