SEO Hosting, what is it?


Hosting Service
Ok, I have misunderstanding with SEO hosting, what it is?

Did it depends from IP class?
Or this is one more trick with marketing? :)
It's not necessarily trick marketing, but depending how it's done it can be bundled into blackhat seo.

Basically you are using multiple IPs from various Class C's. You're USUALLY using different servers in different Classes, and then linking those back to a single site (or multiple sites).

Does this work? Yes.
There has been discussions on this and I have seen information that multiple IP addresses not only violate ARIN terms but also prove ineffective for major search engine ranks.
multiple IP addresses not only violate ARIN terms but also prove ineffective for major search engine ranks.

I don't know about ARIN terms, there's no actual requirement AFAIK other than to actually use the IPs you get (or a big chunk of them anyway).

As for the effectiveness of the technique, I doubt that interlinking say 1000 sites is all that hard for an algorithm to notice, with or without different IPs being used. :)

It really is all about the scale of things.
There's nothing that I've found in ARIN documentation reporting this as a violation. Please post the section of the terms that it violates.

You are using the IP numbers for a site (shared or dedicated IPs). The more links from outside of your network that point back to your site, the more "clout" you have. This is standard link ranking. You should of course build up those other sites so that you have a higher Alexa ranking and then rank them back to you. The higher the rank, the more weight is thrown to your page by the search engines.

The key on all of this is ONE WAY LINKS. You want links pointing TO your site, and very few (if any) pointing OUT.
There's nothing that I've found in ARIN documentation reporting this as a violation. Please post the section of the terms that it violates.

You are using the IP numbers for a site (shared or dedicated IPs). The more links from outside of your network that point back to your site, the more "clout" you have. This is standard link ranking. You should of course build up those other sites so that you have a higher Alexa ranking and then rank them back to you. The higher the rank, the more weight is thrown to your page by the search engines.

The key on all of this is ONE WAY LINKS. You want links pointing TO your site, and very few (if any) pointing OUT.

Justification isn't defined in negative terms . . . just because they don't have an exhaustive list of everything you SHOULD'NT be using extra ip's for (it would be impossible to compile that list) doesn't mean that everything not listed is a valid form of justification.

That's why you have to justify your allocations in the first place. If there's no good reason why you need the extra ip's for your site to function, you shouldn't be getting extra ip's . . . period.
I means a hosting company that offer your various Class C's IPs and also give you SEO services. Usually, SEO hosting is quite expensive.
SEO hosting assures you with the Good SEO for your site with the help of different class c IP address, this is a good technique for marketing and SEO
There's nothing that I've found in ARIN documentation reporting this as a violation. Please post the section of the terms that it violates.

You are using the IP numbers for a site (shared or dedicated IPs). The more links from outside of your network that point back to your site, the more "clout" you have. This is standard link ranking. You should of course build up those other sites so that you have a higher Alexa ranking and then rank them back to you. The higher the rank, the more weight is thrown to your page by the search engines.

The key on all of this is ONE WAY LINKS. You want links pointing TO your site, and very few (if any) pointing OUT.

That is why I have sites hosted with 3 different hosting companies that don't even share the same A block of the IP! That way, when I build my main site I can build two supporting sites on other hosting servers and point links to it. One way and no C class IP links... sweet juice!
Justification isn't defined in negative terms . . . just because they don't have an exhaustive list of everything you SHOULD'NT be using extra ip's for (it would be impossible to compile that list) doesn't mean that everything not listed is a valid form of justification.

That's why you have to justify your allocations in the first place. If there's no good reason why you need the extra ip's for your site to function, you shouldn't be getting extra ip's . . . period.

Justification *IS* needed on dedicated IPs, however that's not what I'm talking about. If you have multiple sites on muliple Class C's you can accomplish this without any problem. You don't necessarily put the different Class C's on the same machine, you have multiple machines or multiple hosting companies that you are involved with.

We currently host on 30 different Class C's. All are justified as we have hundreds of dedicated servers. We can then sell SEO hosting to any number of people as they would have a "mini" site on several different servers using multiple shared accounts on several Class C's.

To the other users regarding expense, it depends on what you call expensive. If $30 is expensive, then maybe it is :) But if you're concerned about $30, then you're likely not involved in SEO.
Hello Friends.....

SEO Web Hosting is able to offer your company a full line of Managed Services as a compliment to your SEO Hosting and DNS hosting solution. Whether you need help managing your CRM application or need to deploy additional servers to keep up with demand, SEO Web Hosting allows your company to quickly scale its infrastructure without the delays traditionally associated with procuring and installing additional equipment. By adding Seo Web Hosting's disaster recovery, site security, or global content distribution services your infrastructure's resiliency is virtually guaranteed.

there are companies which offer such service. is one of them. They are a Hostgator subsidiary I guess.
SEO hosting...

SEO Web Hosting is a hosting that makes marketing efforts across multiple IP ranges using multiple name servers.It enables webmasters to host websites on different Class C IP addresses.
an additional service from the hosting company that works to increase website traffic and get a good ranking in google (website optimization)...

Thanks and hope it can useful
This does not seem to be very effective to get higher ranks for your website. This is more of hard work with lesser results I believe.
Seo Web Hosting is not that great. Its bad for high populated sites. Its much easier getting backlinks from popular sites rather than seo hosting

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