

New member
Anyone here have any experience with ServerBeach for dedicated servers? I'm looking to get a couple of servers in Texas or somewhere else out west for hosting gameservers on, and don't want to make any mistakes. So, if you have any experience with them, let me know how you liked them. Or, if you have a reccomendation for someone else out west, let me know that as well.
The only news I happen to recall about them is that they were bought out by peer1 I believe. Sorry no experience with them.
Definitely bought out by Peer1. Just surfing around a couple hours ago and happened onto the Peer1 website ... and there was ServerBeach proudly displayed ;)
I've heard great feedback on ServerBeach. A friend of mine has 5 servers there I beleive and straight uptime since he's been there, so it's definitely something about that company!