Simple Html


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Is it possible to make a decent-looking website with only html skills? I'll be starting a new website soon- the only problem is that I've never been that great in coding my websites. I want it to look professional, and I've tried to go through php and other codes was like my mind hit a wall and couldn't decipher anything beyond html tags.

Do you think website builders are the best way to go to make a website if your developing skills aren't the greatest? I have yet to see a professional website that used only html - websites have gotten so much more complex that it just leaves old coding practices in the dust! :crash:
Is it possible to make a decent-looking website with only html skills? I'll be starting a new website soon- the only problem is that I've never been that great in coding my websites. I want it to look professional, and I've tried to go through php and other codes was like my mind hit a wall and couldn't decipher anything beyond html tags.

Do you think website builders are the best way to go to make a website if your developing skills aren't the greatest? I have yet to see a professional website that used only html - websites have gotten so much more complex that it just leaves old coding practices in the dust! :crash:

you can build a decent website just using HTML, but when it comes to amendments it can be a long process depending on how many pages you have as you have to amend each page individually but with PHP you can set up a header/footer and menu systems that replicate on all pages so the only content to change is the main page content
You can still build simple clean sites via HTML. The only thing is you could could lose SEO if you are not building your site with this in mind. Most smaller sites are built on a top of a CMS (WordPress, Joomala,etc..) which allows you to keep your SEO. Plus there are thousands of widgets and pluggings pre built by others that you can tweak to work with your site. Not to mention the thousands of prebuilt themes already to go.
Well I've started up my website and went with trying Wordpress. They have nice, clean templates and widgets to make everything look smooth. MUCH better than anything I could have made with html. Thanks for the suggestions!
There are also Themes that install behind WordPress like Thesis and Frugal add more features and make managing WordPress even easier for building a new site.

Of course it starts first learning from simple to complex. Even if you're not really advance in HTML you can create stunning websites.

Usually you need to have great images and proper color combination.

As you go along the way you will learn and grow... what is important is you're learning fast and not stagnant as technology moves in a fast phase.

Or another thing you can do is get free CSS Templates to learn how it is structured.

HTML is the first language many web programmers learn. Its easy to code and simple.. About your question, yes a nice site can be fully coded out of HTML it just takes time and good imagination, also with HTML the user will not be able to interact with the site such as sign up, post comments, etc...
You can build decent web pages using HTML, but you won't be able to get a really flaunting type of website or very heavy or a complex website, because you need integration of PHY and JavaScript etc.
It depends on how you define "a decent website". You are able to build a professional looking website using HTML, if all what you need is a static website.
You could create a stunning site with just HTML, but like many have found out, it's so much easier to purchase a professional WordPress template and customize it.
I think that knowledge of CSS is required to design stunning sites with HTML. But as SenseiSteve said,
it's so much easier to purchase a professional WordPress template and customize it.
But you must be needing knowledge of php, html and css to customize the theme to fulfill to your requirements :)
I'm using html and it's very easy language for coding but I prefer buying high quality and professional themes and edit it .
You can make great sites in just HTML. If there are clean enough can even score high. However they are more suitable for fix content, if you need to change often the content , then you should chose a CMS like WP or Joomla or....
These days with AJAX and other fancy things, pure HTML is becoming a lot more rare. Users no longer want to see long page loads and waiting before being able to do things.

AJAX/Javascript makes this possible by only loading portions of a page.

Neither do users want popup windows or separate windows just to fill in a form.
If the goal is a site that's not very complicated, I guess it's possible. I see the OP has chosen to use Wordpress, which in my opinion will be better for him rather than starting from scratch.
You need to use HTML + CSS. Without CSS your website may look like a one designed in 1995.

That's not the idea. The idea of CSS was to make it easier to maintain. It was possible to set fonts, effects and all sorts of things using HTML and later Javascript.

However, the point was it was very hard to maintain, especially when you wanted different switchable themes, having lots of developers work on the project, etc...

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