Site Builder Scripts


New member
What scripts are you offering customers for a "site builder" type system.

I just lost my first sale ever because I didn't offer it.

I've never used any of them so I was hoping to get some feedback about various scripts.


I don't think many companies offer these, they normally are used to attract a lower end market.
The higher end would either know how to design their own sites or they would hire someone to do it or even buy a template.

I suppose the script you install for this will also depend on what market you are going after.

If you are going after a low end market, I would go for something very simple to use.

Most higher end won't want to use these, so I wouldn't install it for them unless it is very advanced.

I don't see the need for something very advanced for a high end market, you will be likely paying for it and it wouldn't be something you would focus on for your marketing.
I don't see sitebuilder scripts necessary for regular small-midsize hosting businesses. They take a lot of server strain and as Robert said, not too many people use them. You will probably end up attracting a few lowend hosting client and be driven up the wall with support calls on how to use the software/make changes to the site/etc.
We offer SiteStudio to our customers because it comes packaged with H-Sphere. The users seem to like it and it works well. Most of the time they use it to start thier site and when the get more comfortable they move on to using frontpage or something similar.

SiteStudio can also be purchased as a stand alone product.
Do you get a lot of support questions about how to use the site builder and even how to fix something wrong in their site because they don't know how to use the site builder?

I would expect quite a lot of support tickets generated because people don't know how to use it..
From a customer point of view, I wouldn't use this much, even though I can't code HTML I wouldn't want to try use it.
I know if I did have any problems, the host would be the first person I would think about contacting, even though many hosts don't expect customers to ask for advice on scripts they provide, customers do need help on using something they have been given.

It's like the army giving it's troops a tank and telling them to fight a battle, they will to know how to use the tank to make any use of it, otherwise it's easier to just leave the tank alone.

Sorry for the bad....connection (Can't think of the word!) but I was watch F911 and that was somethign that just came to my head.

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