Some Feedback?

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Sam FT

New member
I have been looking several differnet hosting companies and I came across But I was just wanting some feedback either positive or negative about them. Thanks
I like the look of their site. Its a good-looking shick site. Probably from TemplateMonster or But a decent site nonetheless.
Their products are very big and oversold. hmmm...dedicated IP on a $6 account? Unlikely :(
I like the look though and will add them to my bookmarks.
Equinox said:
I like the look of their site. Its a good-looking shick site. Probably from TemplateMonster or But a decent site nonetheless.
Their products are very big and oversold. hmmm...dedicated IP on a $6 account? Unlikely :(
I like the look though and will add them to my bookmarks.

Hello Equinox,

Thank you for the interest in our services. Just a quick clarification :)

The site was actually fully developed in house.

Your 'unlikely' comment; I would welcome you and can assure you that you can use all of the resources allocated to you. We have been hosting since '99 and would welcome you searching across forums and even our own forums for customer comments, etc.

Thanks again guys, just wanted to clarify a few things. Let us know if you have any further questions. :devil:
Ok, good to hear from someone who is actually part of Site5. Its shows that they must know what they are doing, because they are of course HERE @ HostingDiscussion :)
Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah I decided to go with Site5 becaue of the price and features. Taylor was a great help about a few questions I had and so for the customer service/sales dept. have been awesome.
Well.. I think this thread has run its course. Maybe Sam FTwill write a review for us sometime in the future, as Equinox suggested above.

Thread closed.
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