Small contest-giving away advertising!!


New member
Hi everyone, I have $50 in free advertising to give away. Your advertisiement would be displayed at this forum.

Contest Rules:

Contest Start Date: June 16, 2004
Contest Start Time: 10 am EST
Contest End Date: June 23, 2004

Who may particpate: everyone

The first person to start 15 new topics (No spam) wins the $50 worth of advertising.
Topics posted in the lounge or the request and offers forums do not count towards the 15

When you have posted the 15 good topics please notify Freckled or John and we will contact you to work out the details.
Great idea Freckled :D
I'm sure the community will be very greatful for you doing this.

Come on everyone, give Freckled a big clap

Clap, slap, cuppa's all good :D

I'm a lousy thread starter, but once I find one I like, I don't shut the heck up. LOL
Very true Lesli, I have coffee going all day here so it really is all good. It really is hard thinking of new topics or at least interesting ones, that is why I picked that for the contest. Usually my ideas come from something I see that someone else may have touched on so I figured this may give me some new ideas.
Yes I thought so too but no one posted anything that came close to meeting the required number of posts, I will have to think of another one as the prize is still available.

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