So... how come I'm not rich yet?

Thats cool that you got #4... but how many people actually put their city in when searching for a host. Most people just do "web hosting" or "linux hosting". You get the idea.

Congrats on the ranking though. Ive never been on a first page of google.
I think what Jonathan said would be a good reason ;)
I have got a few customers though that found my site when searching for a local company online.
Not sure if they found me through google or what though.
Might check my keywords for referring search engines sometime to see if people are searching for a local company much through the search engines.
That's just a dirty trick.

All my SEO friends claim I'll get rich!

Just kidding, I was actually surprised that it showed up there, I've been targeting that phrase for about 2 weeks as you know I bought a couple of domains that were suitable, etc., my logs actually show that about 85% of my traffic comes from yahoo and google - disappointing since I have an affiliates program - and that a large portion of that traffic searches for local companies.

See, you have to understand that Indiana is the incest capital of the world, we like doing business locally! :)

I notice this thread is over a year old... and I am going to reply to bring it back now :)

Did you ever get to #1 and did you get rich :D
Need to start some SEO on a site I'm working on. Might get some advertising on HR - it's a PR 4 site. (I need all the page ranks I can get - the site is 0 at the moment)
PR is due to be updated next month... Lets hope we see a 5 or a 6. However, the PR you see on the bar is not always the PR you have as that is calculated on a daily basis and then updated each quarter to show it on the tool bar.