So you want to become a web hosting provider...cheaply (FAQ/Tutorial/HowTo)


New member
Let's see how easy we can make this :mic:

1) Turn yourself into a business via D.B.A. (usually around $50)
2) Obtain a business bank account (shop around at banks for best deal)
[lets figure aroudn $100 initial deposit]
3) Setup a PayPal account to receive payments (free)
4) Find a cPanel w/ Fantastico reseller account with a good
provider [good provider being the key point] (10-20/mo)
5) Make a website?
5a) Download 30day free trial of Net Objects Fusion
[easier to use than MS Word]
5b) Install Fantastico scripts as needed and type in options
5c) Be sure to setup a forum so customers can try
to answer eachothers questions
6) Find friends and relatives as first set of customers
7) Expand to co-workers at your day job
8) Expand to local businesses
9) Conquor world

There you have it - hosting provider is up and running in less than a week with less then $200.

Oh wow, that is kind of scarry - at any rate with the exception of step 9...thats actually not an overly bad way of doing it - the only thing not mentioned is that you have to support your customers, but as long as you start with people you know locally and work out - it will give you a sense of what questions are asked, time to build an on-line FAQ (scripts for those are in Fantastico) or even build forum posts (as forums are searchable) - and that covers basic technical support.

Of course, to be honest, your not going to be a large scale hosting provider by following that - but that IS how simple it is to start doing hosting - and if you happen to know 2-6 people that would be willing to host with you (depending on how much you charge) you can atleast make a slight profit and start learning what hosting actually involves. Plus, depending on the provider you choose to get your reseller account from - your provider should act as a source of information for you as well - any customer questions that you can't answer you should eb able to research in your providers self-help resources (forums/faqs/tutorials/etc) - and any server issues you would simply open a ticket with your provider.

Sorry - just saw a lot of threads about basic starting out least this is my humble take on the subject....of course, large scale has *much* more to consider...but thats the simplistic/drumped down/small reseller business type deal...
While "support" was not covered....believe me..when you start with people you WILL provide support lol

You either provide the support, or they form a local posse :D

Very good suggestions btw.
I agree with nocturnalhostin. but there are not enough .good ranking in search engines is most important thing in internet marketing.
Also, you didnt tell them about pricing. That is a key feature. You don't to price your self to low that your not paying your self enough money to where you say dealing with some support issues aren't worth what your paying your self. And you dont want to price your self too high to where your not going to get any clients.

Its not as easy as nocturnal paints the picture as either. It not smooth sailing to being a millionaire there are few big waves to go over or around.
Just try to keep your prices reasonable, remember, not everybody can afford hosting at 25 dollars a month. I'm sure they have other bills. :)

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