Softaculous Version 4.1.8


New member
Has any host ended up with reports from customers since this roll out happened? We had a few people (all on the same shared server) that had minor issues but nothing major. For me after a Softaculous update this is the first I have seen a hiccup.
We're running it under multiple servers and have had no complaints thus far. What kind of issues did your customers report?
It looks like it was an early and false alarm. I have never had any issues myself as an end user or helper here in the office. I think the two people (who refereed one another to us) both ended up doing something whacky. I am still waiting for them to provide any real info that we can use to try and help, one person managed to wipe his entire site. I upgraded on my personal site last evening and had no issues.
Also not heard of anything wrong with the latest upgrade.

Do you not any backups you could offer them / do they have any backups they made? As probably mentioned before, probably more a user error.
yes is strange as the current Softaculous Version is 4.2.0.

i find it easier to enable auto update, so it will always update to the newest stable version