Spamassin Updates - Dumb question ?


New member
I got a simple enquiry the other day about Spamassin.

Does it update it's rules etc...

I've looked in the Cpanel update logs and seen nothing related to it.

If it doesn't automatically, can it / should it need to be updated regularly ?
Done a bit of looking around for you, here is a how-to for upgrading Spam Assassin from the source code.

# su -
# cd /usr/src
# wget
# tar zxvf Mail-Spamassassin-2.63.tar.gz
# cd Mail-Spamassassin-2.63
# perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
# make
# make test
# make install

# make distclean
# perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE/spam_filter/usr SYSCONFDIR=/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE/spam_filter/etc INSTALLDIRS=vendor
# make
# make test
# make install

# mkdir /root/stuff
# cd /root/stuff
# pico -w upgrade-spamass

Then paste the following into the editor:


cd /home/virtual

for site in site*; do
echo "upgrading $site ..."
/usr/local/bin/EditVirtDomain -c spam_filter,enabled=0 $site
/usr/local/bin/EditVirtDomain -c spam_filter,enabled=1 $site

Then hit CTRL-X to save the file.

# chmod u+x upgrade-spamass
# ./upgrade-spamass

Now sit back and watch. You will see it disable/enable spamass for each ensim account, upgrading the spamass files at the same time. (Yes there are other ways to do it but this is easy). If you do NOT want spamass enabled in all of your ensim accounts then you'll need to come up with a way to do it selectively.

Finally you'll need to restart the spamd process or just reboot the server.

Hope that helps you, by the way, check the link for the wget though, it could have easily updated/changed by now
Spam Assassin is good in the version that it comes in. I have ran into big problems from installing an update to make me want to :smash: a server