Sponsorship Request

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New member
I need hosting for my text-based mmorpg game that is currently under construction. It is about 5% complete and I need hosting for testing and then, release.

You can either register a domain for us or you can give us a subdomain and wait until we register it (closer to estimated release date).

-- Required --
PHP 4 +
50mb Space+ (We most likely wont use that much)
6gb Bandwidth (More would be better)
1x MySQL Database's
1x Parked Domain
No Forced Ad's
Cron jobs

-- Optional --

In exchange for this I can provide:

* A text-link or small button to your hosting company on every page.

* A 468x60 Banner on 4 pages of our company site or a 728x90 Leaderboard on 2 pages of our company site. Flash allowed. Yes you get to select the pages.

* A cut of membership cost's from the site (if wanted).


Company site: http://epix.confuzzling.net/

You can reach me on: kingepix@gmail.com

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