Starting a business..


New member
I am thinking on starting up into the hosting world again.. I would really like to sell reseller accounts but the only way to do this really is with a dedicated server.. or maybe a VDS/VPS.. not really sure never tried them..

Anyway.. was wondering and hoping someone could give me some tips on what to do to start the company.. should I get a reseller or a VDS/VPS.. or even a dedicated?

I'm thinkin smaller the better to start off..

Also.. what do you think of these names for a hosting company:
Depends I would say, with a reseller you don't have to worry if anything goes down as your host will look after things, but if you want to do that all your self and be able to install stuff when you need go dedicated. If you are new to the world then Reseller is the choice for you.....

And for the name I like B)
Didnt you run a company before with

If you wanted to sell reseller accounts then you should get a dedicated without a doubt.
Resellers will often want something installed so going with a dedicated is best for this.
You are also the owner of the server if its dedicated so you have a lot more control over it in every other aspect.

You will need to make sure you are very familiar with servers and the hosting business if you are going to sell reseller accounts as the questions from resellers are very likely to be a lot more advanced.
Yup sure did have a company under that name before.. had a few problems, clients not paying and such... could not afford it.. but I got some partners now.. I'm thinkin on this.. - Unix / IRCd Shells OR - Webhosting

Not sure what domain I will be using for the webhosting yet.. and I purchased a reseller account for now.. hopefully get a dedicated in a couple months..

Anyone ever use Direct Admin?
I'm no expert on hosting at all so won't pretend to be, but on this issue...

clients not paying and such... could not afford it.. but I got some partners now.. I'm thinkin on this..

... may I suggest payment then work. That normally works.

Hosting-Talk Editor
Ahh.. They would pay the first month then I would send out invoices and IMs and everything and they just would not respond to me.. so I eventually closed their account on them.
Yeah.. wasn't good that is for sure.. but for some strange reason, I'm trying it again.. this time with a better understanding and a better plan.. I don't see myself having any problems, but you can never be sure.. thats for sure :)
Get a credit card merchant account. Then have people use their credit card. I use recurring billing. ANd in order to cancel the recurring billing they would have to contact you 2 weeks prior to the billing period by e-mail or fax. That way you have a hard copy.
Sounds like a good idea.. I think I may try it..

The thing is that a merchant account costs i think around $20-$30 a month.
Thats why most people dont use a merchant account..Its not the best for any small or new companies
Oh.. well then I think I should look into something before I say I will try it from now on.. make sure I can actually afford it :)
Anyway.. was wondering and hoping someone could give me some tips on what to do to start the company.. should I get a reseller or a VDS/VPS.. or even a dedicated?

OK, this is not a larger headache as many make out to be. Intellie Data was meant to be launched back in September 1st 2003, however we were flooded with pre-opening clients after our dedicated servers etc.

Many of these were resellers, and one of the things they loved were our "virtual dedicated server" packages. Quite simply, you get a dedicated server, splice it into 4 accounts offering 250gb bandwidth to each reseller.

All our servers are fully managed, meaning that the resellers didn't need any extensive server knowledge, and this provided to be a great plus for them as it meant they can focus and get started reselling packages.

The trick to staying open is that you sell to keep your company running, and money in your own pocket, you don't sell to "beat" the person next to you. Your pricing will come down to your company management etc etc and how you handle your financing.

Example, when we first started we had our first dedicated server, a phone line, a fax line, a 1500 ADSL line, and a few other overheads such as our billing software, monthly merchant account fee, support desk software etc. So the first server's profit really only was enough to cover the costs of all these extras that shape your service.

We then moved on and on, late June 2003 we leased out what is the eq of 4 hallways of space in a DC, and had our own optics installed to our own independant switches etc. Now all the profit that we are making off the 72 dedicated servers we lease goes straight back into fees and floorspace rent.

So basically, you only price at what you can afford. No point undercutting the guy next to you by $5, because in return you need to save that elsewhere. That may mean you cut back on support staff, the extra fax line ? etc etc.

And the most important thing is to keep your company honest, there is no point in lieing to your customers to get the quick buck, as come next month they won't be giving you anything. Be honest with them and they will generally do the right thing by you.

Lastly, do not tolerate service abusers. They will whinge once you terminate their accounts, but they are used to it happening. You will get people who just hop on for one month and bring a server to its kness, usually a porn topsite or something of that nature with a heap of other background scripts they use. Offer them a virtual dedicated server or something of that nature, if they decline then politely advise them they have 24 hours to move services.

No point loosing 50 clients over one.

Oh just to add onto that,

We use:

cPanel (
ModernBill (
Kayako (
Geotrust (
St George (