Targeted & Untargeted Traffic

The Pioneer

New member
Has anyone tried this option as a method of getting new customers? If yes, has it works and to what extent?

I've ordered untargeted traffic for one of my web sites to help develop brand awareness. Hopefully, if the site is utilized much from those visitors, I may try it as a method of obtaining new customers.

Any experienced feedback is appreciated.
Don't waste your time.
Even the "targeted" traffic has been shown not to produce any results for hosting businesses.
I'm actually using it for and soon my dial up company. Do you have any solid proof that "targeted traffic has been shown not to produce any results for hosting businesses," I would assume it would sprout some results.

Blue said:
Don't waste your time.
Even the "targeted" traffic has been shown not to produce any results for hosting businesses.
Pioneer, I would say targeted traffic works, but those are exceptional cases. For example, for most effective results, the page you advertise to a user usually are designed specifically to grab their attention when they pop-up. The idea is to make them sign-up, click on the banner displayed. If you simply use your home page URL (original web site) as a pop-up/under, the chances are - the user will close it fast.

I know the owners of a couple of targeted traffic providers and they claim that the rate of signups that hosts get using the service is negligable, and I have used the services before with no results.
Hey, if you have the money to spend, I think it's a good idea. If nothing else it helps with brand awareness. If you're counting on this to produce instant ressults for you, it's not going to happen.

You never know, you might get lucky. I mean, the sites are proven to direct "visits" to your site, but as stated above - most people are more annoyed when they see a popup then anything else. I know I haven't actually taken the time to read anything I've seen in any popup for a LONG time.
What exactly do you mean by brand awareness?
The vast majority of people close these pop ups without ever looking at them.
Most of the rest consider it spam, so the only awareness you are getting is negative. I don't think it's worth signing up a customer or two at the cost of being labeled a spammer.

Visits to you site mean nothing. 99.9% of those visits never make it past the first page.

If you have money to spend, spend it more wisely on targeted advertising instead of targeted hits.

I think you're blowing the word spam out of proportion. Advertising is not considered spam, especially when it's legally coming from a web site and not through your inbox. Many targeted traffic sellers do not count the ads blocked by pop up blockers.

To address brand awareness, even if the person doesn't visit the web site, it's good enough that they've seen the company or products image. After they see it repeatedly, they begin to develop a comfort with the company or product image, and that's all you really need to kick off a good advertising campaign. The advertising campaign doesn't necessarily have to be online either.

Next time, around this month, I will give an update on how the targeted hits have benefited my web site.

Thanks for the opinions everyone. :D
After they see it repeatedly, they begin to develop a comfort with the company or product image

If you are buying targeted traffic you are supposed to be receiving unique hits. Therefore no brand awareness because everyone will only see your site once.

The way most of these traffic sites work is by buying expired domains that have built in traffic and adding a pop under. People are not going to return to the site when they discover it is not there anymore, just an advertisement.

I don't think I'm blowing the word spam out of proportion at all. Although spam is defined as bulk unsolicited email, it has come to be recognized as any unwanted advertising. To say it's not spam is just semantics.

A "good" advertising campaign should be thought out a little better than to just try to get random hits to your site. Wasting money is never a good beginning to any advertising campaign.

Either way, I wish you luck with your campaign.

If you are using the targeted traffic to advertise the site in your thread then none of what I've said applies anyway. My opinions about targeted traffic relate solely to hosting, as that is where my research is. I can't comment on other genres.
Hello everyone,
I've been looking at your forum for a while and after seeing this thread I thought I should join...
...targeted traffic...well I used to own 2 target web traffic sites, its how I started off on the net. We made sure that we only used domains related to the websites we were promoting, so we would use a hosting domain to redirect hosting traffic to a site. We didn't use popups or popunders, but redirected the domain to the website we were promoting. The domains we used were already in search engines so people looking for hosting would click on the link in the search engine and be redirected to your site. So we tried to avoid spamming.
However, this didn't give any great brand awareness, users redirected to your site were expecting to see another site, and back then search engines didn't crawl as frequently so your site information wasn't displayed in the search engine. Having said that, we offered one of the best services that "Targeted & Untargeted Traffic" sites deliver, so even though we offered the best services there were still some major weakenesses.
I'd also like to point out that we were possibly exceptions to the rule as most targeted traffic sites use popups/popunders, or they may even use dirty scripts that give you fake traffic!
Targeted Traffic Is Definately Not Good For Hosting! The only thing it is really any good for is delivering a large amount of hits to an affiliate program that pays per visitor you deliver. We could sell traffic at $0.001 per visitor and some programs would pay $0.1 per visitor!
Apart from that this type of traffic is pretty useless unless your just trying to boost your alexa ranking. We made money from selling this type of traffic as we put a positive spin on it and never mentioned the negatives unless someone asked. I left the dark side a long time ago and turned my back on targeted traffic. If you want real targeted traffic I would recommend you submit to directories, use ppc engines (7search is good) + adwords/overture (stay away from kanoodle!!!). You might even want to get a search engine optimization company to work on your site and get it a high ranking for your targeted keywords in search engines. You could also try to target a niche. This is the only real useful targeted traffic on the net. You might also want to try online/offline promotion in your local area, again that would be targeted.
Take my advice, I used to deliver good targeted traffic, and even our traffic was pretty useless, most target traffic services are diabolical, definately stay away.

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