The list of directories to list a product/service

I don't think it plays a major role anymore when it comes to search rankings, if that is your goal. As long as you do a good job with the website and get crawled by Google, Bing and Yahoo!, you'll be fine.

What you can do in an effort to gain a bit of backlinks, is approach blogs, review sites or media outlets that cover software like yours and try to get a post there with a link to your product.
You mentioned backlinks Art, do you or anyone here know of a good backlink checker? I've been trying to gauge my blog's name on the web (from old stuff) and I keep getting different stats with each site I try. Is there one you guys trust more than other to see backlinks and your site score?

I'm trying to get back to it and getting traffic the old fashioned way. Blogs, sites, etc as you mentioned Art.
I'd consider either Semrush or Ahrefs. Both are pricey, but I'd go with Ahrefs. I believe they have a free Webmaster Tools account.

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