The name of your business

Naming your business is a pain now... especially if it is an internet based one. Very hard to find good .com .net domain names that are short and simple these days.

I got mine while I was drunk at home.... just stumbled upon me
Well I based mine on what I am, a freckleface. My nickname is actually Pickleweed, I have that domain, but there is a park named that and didn't want a conflict with my business so went with something else. Also own Hostxxx and Hostxxxxx but haven't decided if I want to market either of those, using them for resellers so had to x them out. I just wanted something that was different and catchy at the same time. Will I not get customers because of the childish type name, maybe but then again I may get some because they have Freckled faces.
I live in a town called 'Whitney Pier' and I called my company originally 'Pier Hosting' then, I changed it to 'Caper Technology' also where I live, on an Island called Cape Breton, and we are often refered to Capers or CapeBretoners..
I was bored and was typing names into whois database check.

"" came out as available and its pretty straight forward.

I grabbed Ctrl-Alt-Deli early on (in the 90's) - after the required 3 finger action needed by any MS operating system. :rolleyes:

Stuck an 'i' on the end for an American deli type of feel as the rest had been taken. :D

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