The truth about Free Hosts


New member
O.k., I've been reading a lot about free hosts here and I thought I should submit my 2 cents. I used to run free host businesses, yes I used to be a free host provider. Truth being I thought I could make some money by putting ads on the top pages of every members webpage. So I basically crammed a whole bunch of sites on one crappy little server that I rented for $25/month. Let it be known I was following the advice/directions of 2 other free host providers that I was conversing with at the time. There were SO many problems that I just couldnt even be bothered anymore. The truth is free host providers usually have a personal agenda, why else would they be doing it? And remember, its free. You're not going to get the best service or support, if any for that matter. So if you're hosting a crummy little personal webpage, then ok its for you, however, if its important to you in ANY way, DO NOT go with a "free hosting provider". If its too good to be true it usually is folks. I know this to be true. Go with a host that's been around at least a couple years, and has a GOOD reputation! Otherwise, your site will be flushed down the toilet in no time!
globalgoods, in general terms I agree with your view on free hosting providers.
Most of them do provide bad service and overload their servers. However, there are always exceptions to rules and there are some quality free hosting providers who are able to turn profit if they run good service. Certainly its more difficult, but when you grow to have 100,000 good trouble-free users, you can make good money on commercializing their pages, and marketing to them.

That requires patience and better financing than $25/mo budget. I am afraid the field is corrupted by small cheap operators that provide horrible service and bring bad name to the rest of the market players that actually strive to provide good service.
Artashes said:
globalgoods, in general terms I agree with your view on free hosting providers.
Most of them do provide bad service and overload their servers. However, there are always exceptions to rules and there are some quality free hosting providers who are able to turn profit if they run good service. Certainly its more difficult, but when you grow to have 100,000 good trouble-free users, you can make good money on commercializing their pages, and marketing to them.

That requires patience and better financing than $25/mo budget. I am afraid the field is corrupted by small cheap operators that provide horrible service and bring bad name to the rest of the market players that actually strive to provide good service.

Ditto, there are some good ones out there that are honest and have a good business plan but 99.9% are ... yea... trash
Then there's also the paid hoting providers who provide free hosting with fewer features, in the hopes of free hosting users upgrading to paid hosting, simply to have them do some much needed word of mouth advertising.

Also, when you get to a certain size, special advertising deals can be struck (see Netfirms and Google) and monetizing the advertising space on the freely hosted pages can be done more efficiently. In fact, Netfirms plays both games now, as it has an already established name as a free hosting, and is marketing in the budget paid hosting maket as well.
Artashes said:
That requires patience and better financing than $25/mo budget. I am afraid the field is corrupted by small cheap operators that provide horrible service and bring bad name to the rest of the market players that actually strive to provide good service.
Just curious but how are you going to profit running a good free host? I've looked to it before and upgrades are a good way but do you actually clear any money just with ads on their pages?
bwbbwb said:
Just curious but how are you going to profit running a good free host? I've looked to it before and upgrades are a good way but do you actually clear any money just with ads on their pages?

You really have to rely on ads and many many users, not using up many resources. Hopefully can be done on a clustered environment on low spec servers.
It's very hard to make money as a free host. There are a few ways:

1. Advertising on the Hosting
2. Trying to upsell upgrades...
3. Popups....

That kinda deal...
for people doing free hosting, i believe that if user choose to have free hosting, they bear their own responsibility.
Thanks for your input. Yes, I am sure there are some ones out there that are good. However, the chances of them staying that way are very slim. Again, what's in it for them? It wont be long before they realize that they're losing too much and go with some other internet business.
ldcdc said:
Then there's also the paid hoting providers who provide free hosting with fewer features, in the hopes of free hosting users upgrading to paid hosting, simply to have them do some much needed word of mouth advertising.
In this case you'll get the best free hosting, I'm sure.
free hosting isnt bad. <<URL removed>> provides free hosting, but they also treat them as if they paid. so you have to becareful what you say about free hosts, bc now all are the same. some dont care unless u pay, then theres others that will treat u the same, and help u out no matter what.

so its best to get info about a free host, before u put something important on their servers.

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