Those dollar hosts

Most times - you get what you paid for.

Many of the $1.00/month hosts charge a setup fee of maybe $24 or in some cases I've see the $99 setup fee - be aware of what you're really paying.

For me, I value my hard work and site traffic too much to use low end hosting solutions like that. I'd rather pay a few dollars more and know that the host is going to be around months and years from now.

I agree 100%
Donot much relay on cheap hosting. It may disappear one day. There should be some marketing strategy in this. Always get the full information about them.
Several of you have made some good points but at the same time I think some of you may have been a bit too harsh on these "cheap" hosts as some of them can fulfill what they claim. They definitely should be used with caution though and are obviously not ideal for large/serious projects as I stated before.
My guess is anyone who has $1 plans are most probably resellers. Or people who think that they will earn the most clients. But if you ask me, people will not buy $1 plans because it looks like crap. What you pay for is what you get.
Let’s look at it this way, If you have a web hosting company and your way to attract customers was to charge $1.00 a month for hosting service, how much money would that give you for profit and to invest in the company (providing the customers with 24/7 support, making sure you have the latest hardware, etc)? The answer would be very small.

This is why you really do get what you pay for. It’s the customer’s choice, some prefer to go with such hosts because they may not have a serious business or may just need space for a personal site. Other’s are just on a small budget and would take the small risk.
Let’s look at it this way, If you have a web hosting company and your way to attract customers was to charge $1.00 a month for hosting service, how much money would that give you for profit and to invest in the company (providing the customers with 24/7 support, making sure you have the latest hardware, etc)? The answer would be very small.

This is why you really do get what you pay for. It’s the customer’s choice, some prefer to go with such hosts because they may not have a serious business or may just need space for a personal site. Other’s are just on a small budget and would take the small risk.

As to some web host that I had check referrals to their site is another way of profiting being charge 1$ a month it would double up the
profit by simple referring other people to a site.
I've tried a couple of really cheap hosting plans (only $1 or $2 per month) and only one of them lasted more than 4 months.

Hello OwlMan,

Not every cheap hosting will be reliable. There are some hosts that provides cheap hosting which are reliable. And also be concerned about how much are you spending for the cheap hosting. There are one time setup fees that will be many multiples of the cost of the cheap hosting. Compare that with higher plans and decide whether cheap hosting worths the money or not. Also look at the specifications provided by the host in different plans.
To be perfectly honest, if given a choice between a free host and a $1 dollar per month host, I would stay with the free host almost every time. At least with a free host, you know you aren't going to pay any hidden fees. Of course a good more expensive pay host would usually beat either of these options. The only exception would be if I knew the person running the service, and could trust them not to screw me over.
The name says it all. Cheap hosting would definitely provide "Cheap" service. I would rather put some more bucks a month than go for cheap service. actually, you end up paying more in cheap service than in quality one.
The old saying was always that you "get what you pay for" and more often than not, it seems to ring true for many of those web hosts out there. Some hosts try to lure you in with extremely low prices and unrealistic claims, and usually it's all a bunch of hot air.
If the host's focus is 1/2$ per month plans, especially if they have unrealistic resource allocations, then you would be foolish not to be wary. It is impossible to sustain a business based on customers that net you 12$ per year each unless you can somehow magically deduce a way to bring them in by the hundreds.

An important question to ask when you are purchasing hosting is "How are they able to offer this plan for this amount?"

we have been providing affordable hosting for almost a year now. "Cheap" and "affordable" is different thing. We do limit certain features on our affordable package and full feature on our premium package. i do agree, some host who's been providing really cheap package do disappear.

In most case, customer are more attract to their cheap price and unbelievable resource given. They does not think about quality and support they will receive.

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