TinyURL and Twitter ?


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TinyURL and Twitter ?
Why does everyone use TinyURL or another URL shortening service when posting URLS ?

Any particular reason ?
Okay, HD block tinyurl :)

http:// www. hostingdiscussion. com/website-development-design/20475-tinyurl-twitter.html#post106813 is the URL I meant
Personally, I don't click on tinyurl links unless I know the person who provided the link. You can shorten a link by other means that make it more trust worthy, like using php. ;)
Personally, I don't click on tinyurl links unless I know the person who provided the link. You can shorten a link by other means that make it more trust worthy, like using php. ;)

Agreed. You just never know to what kind of crap this shortcut link will take you (or what's inside of it - a tracking/affiliate code, etc). I am always very cautious when I see one.

I don't like information that's hidden overall, and its more ethical, in my opinion, to link openly and directly for other people to see what the link is and where it leads.
Yep, I feel the same way as Art. But, twitter onyl allows 140 characters so tiny url is kind of a must. But, as others said I only click on those links if I know the person.
Twitter shortens long urls all by itself so you don't have a choice. It will allow short links to go out as is, though. I don't know what the exact limit is before Twitter will automatically shorten it - can't find the information on their support pages anywhere.