TOTAL Redesign of - Anyone care to comment??


New member
I would like please to gain some constructive criticism now we have relaunched our redesigned website! Our old website took a long time to complete and has had some very good reviews. We have taken a long time to perfect it however we felt that the site was a little difficult to navigate and the site relied on Flash files something we are getting bored of...

So here is the NEW Site Please take a look and let me know if there is any improvement to be made in your eyes.

There is a Forum, WHMCS & newsletter module integrated fully... We have based this NEW site on wordpress although taken the mods to extremes! Am quite pleased but could do with some comments!

NEW Site (Fully functional)

Thanks in advance!! :cool:
Very impressive start.

To improve, I'd do at least these few things:

- Make your <title> more descriptive of the services you provide. Something more than ""

- Work on improving your logo. With the "pop" of the rest of the site, the simple 2D-looking logo doesn't fit. It looks like the logo was an afterthought and that you just typed your company name in Arial font with a weird graphic next to it. Not very professional, in my opinion.

- Make your header navigation eaiser to read, perhaps by making it bold or enlarging the text a bit. The login/billing/admin tabs at the upper right are a bit tough to read.

- On your site, it looks like you have dark brown text on a tan background. In addition, this text can be hard to read. I'd improve the contrast between the text and background (black on white being the standard) and consider enlarging the font size.

- Finally, I notice on my screen (I'm using an older CRT one right now, but other people might be using similar monitors), there's a horizontal scrollbar at the bottom which I don't like to see on websites. I think with some minor changes, you can make the site a bit narrower, as well.

Those are my first impressions and, of course, just my :twocents:.
Thanks so much for taking the time to do thoroughly look at our site, we will take these things on board and make some changes - thank you so much!
I think it looks very nice. I was initially not fond of the brown but all in all its very clean and the colors flow. For some reason brown kind of turns me off right off the bat though. Do you do more design or hosting? If most of your hosting business comes from design work I would put your portfolio on the home page in the header.
I'm not entirely sure on this design, had a few things that seemed a tad odd to me such as the online users and there areas that don't seem quite finished? it seems the banner on the homepage is difficult to read as well as I can foresee the text colour against the background potentially being an issue.

Trying not to be critical it looks good the logo suggestion above id agree with and the content does look or feels a tad unconnected though that is a personal thing but otherwise it's looking good.
Banner on the home page with White Text on the brown background was hard to read. I actually had to stop what I was doing to try and figure out what the words were on the page. A banner like that shouldn't be hard to read, so maybe a different color background for that banner, or maybe BLACK text instead of white might work.

The Online users and the Admin link don't belong on the page - this is something for you to know about, not the general public. I'd also put an .htaccess on your admin area for WHMCS so nobody is playing with your site and trying to guess logins.

The RSS feed also probably doesn't belong on the site as although this is a wordpress site and it does have an RSS feed, there doesn't appear to be a section where you're doing daily blog postings. If you are, then maybe put the RSS feeds onto that section only, but chances are people wouldn't be subscribing to an RSS feed of your main page ya know?

Looks good though - you're on your way. Just a few extra tweaks and you'll be doing fine.
Banner on the home page with White Text on the brown background was hard to read. I actually had to stop what I was doing to try and figure out what the words were on the page. A banner like that shouldn't be hard to read, so maybe a different color background for that banner, or maybe BLACK text instead of white might work.

The Online users and the Admin link don't belong on the page - this is something for you to know about, not the general public. I'd also put an .htaccess on your admin area for WHMCS so nobody is playing with your site and trying to guess logins.

The RSS feed also probably doesn't belong on the site as although this is a wordpress site and it does have an RSS feed, there doesn't appear to be a section where you're doing daily blog postings. If you are, then maybe put the RSS feeds onto that section only, but chances are people wouldn't be subscribing to an RSS feed of your main page ya know?

Looks good though - you're on your way. Just a few extra tweaks and you'll be doing fine.

Thanks a lot!

Text changed from white to black, RSS feed however left to keep site theme consistent but I know what you mean!

Attempted to add htaccess through cpanel but instead of prompting for password it can't even access the page? Have tried a different browser and clearing my cache however it just keeps redirecting me to the 404 page!

Here is my htaccess contents when passwording is activated:

AuthName "WHMCS Admin Area"
AuthUserFile "/home/acespace/.htpasswds/public_html/clients/admin/passwd"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user

And of course without activating it:

AuthName "WHMCS Admin Area"
AuthUserFile "/home/acespace/.htpasswds/public_html/clients/admin/passwd"

Cheers :agree:
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It's not letting you password protect the admin folder? Did you create a user for it and then check the box to password protect the folder? It should work. If you're using a mobile device, sometimes they have problems with .htaccess passwords, but if it's a regular computer it should be able to access through.
I agree with most others here.
Note: Until you get some comments, I would remove that section from your home page.
It's not letting you password protect the admin folder? Did you create a user for it and then check the box to password protect the folder? It should work. If you're using a mobile device, sometimes they have problems with .htaccess passwords, but if it's a regular computer it should be able to access through.

When I activate it and then attempt to access it, it just calls the 404 page without asking for a username and password :(
looks good although your rapid ssl logo down the bottom is pixelated. I would lower the opacity to make it look less harsh.
htaccess sorted - it was the permalink htaccess file messing things up in root lol! All sorted! WHMCS and status2k admin now htaccess protected! Thanks for your advice. We are changing ssl from rapid to comodo so will replace with a better logo! Thanks for being so thorough mind you!
I'm really not into that big banner that has fire and things on it, it just doesn't match with the content.
Those banners below (Norton and RapidSSL) doesn't look very good, their border looks choppy.
This blue bar in design page.. mm sorry but I would remove it.
Facebook banner.. it looks ok but those colors doesn't match your content..

But in overall this site looks very nice.. Great job mate.
Changed the font in the title - can't change the logo lol
added a few more spritely graphics and integrated status2k for our latest server from the whmcs server status page and any sidebar! Changed rapidssl logo and fire background to webdesign banner..
the place where it says "give your website a wow factor" ... it would sound better if you said "give your site the WOW factor"

also the top place client loging place ... that is awkward ... i think it should be one solid color and not blue ... maybe a shade of black

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