Toughen Up Your Website Protection with WPK 2.0


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Don't wait until you're sued to realize that you should have established or revised your TOS, AUP, or PP policies.

There is no way to prevent a lawsuit. There is, however a proven methodology to dramatically reduce your risk. Protection from costly, and in some cases frivolous lawsuits can be as simple as taking the proper steps with your clients, vendors and more.

Our Webhosting Protection Kit (WPK) 2.0 is probably the most comprehensive Legal Form package on the Internet. It contains: TOS, AUP, PP, FAQ, About/Contact Us, and the Order & Set up Form. All these templates will be sent to you in a 1mb zip file and in MSWord and PDF file formats. These templates purchased individually cost approximately $84. You can buy WPK 2.0 for $34.99, and save $49!

Our templates were been developed by people who know this industry. We know what makes it tick. More importantly, we know where the risk can be. Our Legal Forms can DRAMATICALLY reduce your liability- even prevent some lawsuits altogether. These templates help to save you time, money, and manage your customers. Our WPK 2.0 package has been used in Canada, United States, and the United Kingdom.

Don't need the full protection of WPK 2.0? Just wanted to strengthen your current Terms of Service (TOS) or Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). We offer individual templates. For only $18.99, you can purchase our Terms Of Service (TOS) template, which is one of the many great templates offered in our recently released Webhosting Protection Kit (WPK) 2.0. In addition, to the TOS template, you will receive a “TOS Powered by” banner that you may proudly display on your website. Your TOS template will be emailed to you in a zip file, and in two file formats – PDF and MSWord. It is easily edited with any word processing or text editor program. You can have the Terms Of Service policy up and running on your website in minutes!
Our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) sells for $16.99, Privacy Policy (PP) $12.99, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) $12.99, Set Up & Order Form $11.99, and About/Contact Us $9.99

Please visit us at to see screenshots, download sample forms, read testimonies, or order the entire WPK 2.0 full version or a single form.
