Very LARGE site looking for a reliable partner

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I am the Editor in Chief at a large technology review based site. I'm not sure if there are companies on this board who can provide the type of service we need but I'm going to take a shot. We are currently being hosted for free, name being disclosed, but the service is very unreliable as well as support being terrible. As of this week we have been down 3 of the 4 days of the week. A large majority of the problem is too much traffic coming in simultaneously which our current host cannot handle. I believe we are on shared hosting and we would be interested in moving to dedicated.

To give you an idea of our site, we target males ages 16-35 with some sort of interest in technology/gaming. We also also enjoy strong partnerships with many companies across the net. Some of these companies include ATI, NVIDIA, OCZ Technologies, PowerColor,,, and many more. These partnerships/sponsorships also provide a large untapped resource in potential customers/viewers. We are also continually expanding and trying to build our network.

With our current host, needless to say their service and support are not that great. To give you a picture of the amount of traffic we’re getting, just this last week, out of the 7 days of the week our website has been up for a total of 4 days. We are receiving many 503 (overload) errors, and SQL connections being maxed out with sometimes the server refusing to respond at all. A large portion of our viewers and advertisers are starting to complain and we would like to move to a service with a large amount of uptime.

In terms of traffic we averages about 300,000 unique visitors monthly with close to 2 million page impressions with well over 150GB of Bandwidth used. We also maintain an overall Alexa ranking of 52,000 with our July average rating being higher, around 35,000. Sadly this viewer-ship is declining daily with the large amount of site downtime we are experiencing. Included are monthly site statistics for July 2005 (Last Month).

Monthly Statistics for July 2005

Total Hits 17,914,160
Total Files 14,982,752
Total Pages 1,889,129
Total Visits 152,968
Total KBytes 165,155,492

Total Unique Sites 325,712 <-unique visitors
Total Unique URLs 58,628
Total Unique Referrers 12,586
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 31,574

We are a growing website, and growing fast. In order to continue our success we feel it is necessary to move to the next level and provide quality service to our readers. We are hoping that a potential sponsor can help us achieve this.

We have a lot of experience in advertising. We advertise for many large companies indepedently such as OCZ technologies, ABIT, PowerColor, Thermaltake,, and many more companies. We can work with you as a partner to provide well designed ad campaigns that bring in potential customers and give you very high ROI. We also work with the Rydium Network, a network of some of the largest tech sites on the web. We can provided embedded text links in our content articles as well as graphical ads/or media based ads.

What are we asking for? We need a server with very reliable uptime 99.9%. Uptime is key, as it reflects poorly on you as a hoster if our site says Powered by "Your Company's name here" and yet the site is down constantly. We need at least 20GB of space, 500GB of bandwidth per month as we are growing quickly, php support, at least 10 e-mail address, some type of backend admin panel, and phpmyadmin would be a plus. Support needs to be very good. We need to be able to communicate with you directly in order to provide exceptional advertising for your company as well as service for our viewers.

If you are a company looking to expand and gain large exposure in the tech industry, this is a great opportunity. I cannot stress how important reliability in hosting is. Please only serious companies who can meet these demands reply or e-mail me. I would hate to waste your time as well as mine. Thank you for taking the time to read this long proposal. Domain information is available through PM/e-mail only. This is something that needs to be implemented quickly as our current server is struggling to stay a float :crash:

Best Regards
I don't understand why you don't just lease a server.

If you are as good at promoting as you claim you should easily be able to pay for hosting.

What is in it for the host? Obviously your last FREE host didn't get much out of it other than you coming here to complain about the free service.
No reason to crap on someone's thread, didn't expect that from an admin. Like any other site there is more costs then just renting a server. We have 6 full time staff as well as a few freelancers, that's a large portion of our budget going out. With decreasing costs of internet advertising it is very diffcult for many sites to break even on their monthly budget. While we could probably lease a large server, there's not guaruntee that we can meet the costs monthly as revenue always fluctuates.

What did our current host get out of it? Nothing really because they can't handle the service they claimed to be able to, so of course I can complain. If I'm advertising "reliable hosting on my site" for a company that is hosting our site with a large portion of downtime, what does it say about their business? We can only promote so much, the rest is actual performance. So before you go crapping on my thread think about the complexity of running a large scale site instead of coming from a small hoster perspective.
First of all, I'm not an admin.
Secondly, you keep trying to impress on us what a large company you are with your big staff and your advertising ability and yet you don't explain clearly what would be in it for a host to give you a free server.

Perhaps your current host has this "downtime" because they are giving away free space and bandwidth with nothing in return.
not trying to impress anyone, just giving the stats so if someone can host they know what to expect going into it, like i said before finding a reliable partner is the most important thing on our list right now. So ignoring this thread crapper, if your company is interested pm me and i will provide more detailed information regarding the site and how we can work together.
Greetings editor,

Mind you, Blue is not an Admin, I am. Blue is a Community Advisor, a title that is earned by those who possess extensive market knowledge and who run successful business (web hosting that is). One of the most critical responsibilities of Community Advisors at is to question and test members' and individuals' requests/offers validity, which helps keep some level of control over fraud.

I am certainly not saying something is wrong with your operations. All I am saying is that Blue is just doing what long-standing and new members of this forum (industry enthusiasts and professionals), expect him to do - offer some minimal level of protection by inquiring and going into details in offers of those who arrive here to execute commercial transactions.

I am sure that you and me, both being reasonably big publishers with our own niches, can agree on the above and understand the position that a lot of other web hosting business owners might take.

In his case, it sounded that the current sponsor does not gain enough value to stay motivated in order to improve the effort and performance of your hosting experience.

I wish you good luck finding a sponsored solution! If the facts are presented straight, and the value is out there, you shouldn't have trouble finding what you are looking for. But you have to expect serious questions falling at you, to which I request you act nicely, as it only reflects negatively on you (an Editor and Publisher of a serious tech source).

well if such is the case, his tone in his reply was something unexpected of a community advisor. Secondly, i don't think he bothered to read the post thoroughly, in no way was i boasting about my site statistics or claiming my site was the next best thing since sliced bread. I merely emphasized the size and traffic as large because we need someone who can meet that target. Lastly i do not conduct my business dealings over public boards. If someone is interested, kindly pm me and i will be more than happy to discuss the matter and details privately.
In fact you are conducting your business over a public board, that is why you posted here.

My question was and is, what are you offering a potential host for the privilege of giving you a free server?
As long as we understand each other, we shall continue with the business of this request. I will be here to assist shall I be needed. :)
The actual nature of this business request isn't conducted over public boards. Just as with jobs sites, companies post open jobs, but they don't conduct their interviews or salary negotiations in public on those sites.

What does the host get? well i went over that briefly in case you missed it

We can work with you as a partner to provide well designed ad campaigns that bring in potential customers and give you very high ROI. We also work with the Rydium Network, a network of some of the largest tech sites on the web. We can provided embedded text links in our content articles as well as graphical ads/or media based ads.

Since you're so persistent on finding out what the deal is, in any case any of those services would be free. We also can target users/viewers directly through newsletter advertising. Other benefits include co-branding. Your business name is directly associated with ours as our site would clear state, Hosted by "Your company's name here" Can help

editor said:
The actual nature of this business request isn't conducted over public boards. Just as with jobs sites, companies post open jobs, but they don't conduct their interviews or salary negotiations in public on those sites.

What does the host get? well i went over that briefly in case you missed it

Since you're so persistent on finding out what the deal is, in any case any of those services would be free. We also can target users/viewers directly through newsletter advertising. Other benefits include co-branding. Your business name is directly associated with ours as our site would clear state, Hosted by "Your company's name here"

Hello sir
we at allihost would be happy to host you as looking at your post you need a good hosting plan for your needs however i can offer you a 3 week trial so if you are not happy with our services you don't have to stay we are up 99.99% of the time if we were to go down it would be due to server software upgrades

please contact me these ways so we can talk and discuss business


or PM me
allihost said:
Hello sir
we at allihost would be happy to host you as looking at your post you need a good hosting plan for your needs however i can offer you a 3 week trial so if you are not happy with our services you don't have to stay we are up 99.99% of the time if we were to go down it would be due to server software upgrades

please contact me these ways so we can talk and discuss business


or PM me

Before thinking about offering semi-dedicated hosting, you should master the art of keeping your domain online. ;)

Sorry, just has to say that. :)

- Tomer
Here's a shot


I am not extremely pleased with how you attacked blue; however, I have an offer for you. If you contact me and show mw what you can do for us we are willing to shell out the cash for you to have a dedicated server.


None of the dedicated server packages are up yet. For your information, we have been running at a 100% network availablity since we have been open. Contact me with more information and url we can then move forward.
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