Video Cards


New member
Now.. as you've probably read in the AOE3 forum, I do not have a 3D video card, so I need to get one!

What I am wondering is what kind of card I should be looking for for gaming, I want something not too expensive but something really good.. I would like to keep it between $200-300 CAD.. any suggestions guys?
A guy I work with recommends the Geforce 6 6600 GT with 256Mb RAM. Needs to be the AGP version. I believe the cost is in your budget.

Before you take my answer I would look around at some benchmarks etc... to see if anything else is good value.
I got 2 cards... 2 monitors. The main monitor runs at 1600x1200 and the other at 1280x960.

The cards are...
NVidia Geforce 2
NVidia Geforce 3 Ti 200 (for the big monitor).

Not overly great for games, but they keep me working ok :)
Right on.. I don't plan on playing anything like Far Cry or Q3 or CS or anything.. just like AOE3, Hard Truck etc.. nothing majorly gaming.

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