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If when you post an offer and the link tracking shows quite a clicks, but not very many purchases, is this a sign off:

A: General Browsers, its what people do when looking for hosting
B: Need to redone part of site to make it more attractive for potential hostersl

In your experience when promoting a site do you get a lot of visitors that don't change into conversions?
If you're getting visitors but not purchases then it can be a combination of competition and shopper browsers also.

Usually if they click a link to go to a special, if the special is attractive enough to convert to a sale, then the issue comes down to asthetics or the most OVERLOOKE PART - people can't find how to order!

I can't tell you how many times I've looked on sites to buy products (server to camaras) and the designers of the site spent so much time making things look pretty they forgot to make the order button stick out.

In hosting, you'll have lots of people browsing, that's the nature of the business, but if you're paying for people to come to your site, and they get there, but they leave (and don't come back within 7 days to purcahse) then there's something wrong in the site that didn't appeal to them.
Yes its hard to know without asking them to fill in a questionaire if they are browsing or were put off.

I might take a look and see what can be improved.
We use standard for a few different reasons, primarily ease of use. Some of our API stuff does not work on the various other template options that are offered in WHMCS.

We use the Defspark module as our order form also. Sure makes things easier.
While I do not have averages for the industry because they aren't available, over the years, I have seen a typical website convert approximately 6% of visitors. Before coming on board with these companies they were in the 2 - 3% range. Personally, I like to see between 8 - 10% ov visitors who hit a landing page sign up.

One of the biggest factors that come into play on success rates is your target audience. If your not providing what the target audience wants then your wating your money. Amazingly enough many businesses target the wrong customer base which leads to lower then expect numbers.

I would also recommend using landing pages vs. just generally linking to your website. This accomplishes many things:

1. It allows you to customize the experience for the user. Let's say I am running a promotion for Hosting Discussion. I would place the Hosting Discussion logo and/or place Welcome Hosting Discussion Members. You build rapport with a customer if you show interest which leads them to convert at a higher rate then usual.

2. A good landing page, will take the user to one place and one placer only and that is the order link. Landing pages allow you to funnel clients through the site the way you want them to go. It leads to higher conversations as well.

3. It is a solid way to track your success and allow you to target your efforts to the sites that are converting better.
While I do not have averages for the industry because they aren't available, over the years, I have seen a typical website convert approximately 6% of visitors. Before coming on board with these companies they were in the 2 - 3% range. Personally, I like to see between 8 - 10% ov visitors who hit a landing page sign up.

One of the biggest factors that come into play on success rates is your target audience. If your not providing what the target audience wants then your wating your money. Amazingly enough many businesses target the wrong customer base which leads to lower then expect numbers.

I would also recommend using landing pages vs. just generally linking to your website. This accomplishes many things:

1. It allows you to customize the experience for the user. Let's say I am running a promotion for Hosting Discussion. I would place the Hosting Discussion logo and/or place Welcome Hosting Discussion Members. You build rapport with a customer if you show interest which leads them to convert at a higher rate then usual.

2. A good landing page, will take the user to one place and one placer only and that is the order link. Landing pages allow you to funnel clients through the site the way you want them to go. It leads to higher conversations as well.

3. It is a solid way to track your success and allow you to target your efforts to the sites that are converting better.

Thank you thats a really good suggestion, if the market I aim for this the beginners rather then landing then on a confusing checkout page, with just domain name options, I land them on a page that will expain everything to them.

Thank you, great idea:thumbup:
Thank you thats a really good suggestion, if the market I aim for this the beginners rather then landing then on a confusing checkout page, with just domain name options, I land them on a page that will expain everything to them.

Thank you, great idea:thumbup:

Your Welcome! Best of Luck.
Have you ever noticed this oft repeated theme with landing pages? - they all offer testimonials - they're all one page with multiple order buttons - they all have a Call to Action (deadline) and most of them offer discount pop ups when you exit their site without purchasing anything?
Pretty standard theses days on the web with the landing pages. I see so many of them with the information type pages where they want your email address to send you more info etc. I have single page doorway pages on my own sites, but it's a common trend, and they do work ;) The popups I have used on some of my pages before, but never on the main page of the site. I know a number of people who have them in their cart pages so that if you go to abandon the cart you get a 10% coupon - set in cookies so that it only ever shows the first time.
Pretty standard theses days on the web with the landing pages. I see so many of them with the information type pages where they want your email address to send you more info etc. I have single page doorway pages on my own sites, but it's a common trend, and they do work ;) The popups I have used on some of my pages before, but never on the main page of the site. I know a number of people who have them in their cart pages so that if you go to abandon the cart you get a 10% coupon - set in cookies so that it only ever shows the first time.

I bet you love them too. I know I do. I hate the ebook one page, sales letter, with testimonials, and e-mails. I know your lieing when this book made you $6k per month. I think landing pages for online non ebook sales are they way to go.
Some good posts thanks, I think as the marketing has only being going for about 5-6 weeks or so, so I can still term it as a new site, I think there is quite a bit to change, its being suggested to add, an about page, data centre pictures and live chat.

I'm thinking of the first two, but the live chat is something I don't like to do, I much prefer tickets and emails.

An 0800 number will soon be going up, that should make it look more professional.

erm, conor, don't want to be a pain ;-)
but on your site, it says, unlimited problems, it might be just me but I don't think it exactly sounds right!
Some good posts thanks, I think as the marketing has only being going for about 5-6 weeks or so, so I can still term it as a new site, I think there is quite a bit to change, its being suggested to add, an about page, data centre pictures and live chat.

I'm thinking of the first two, but the live chat is something I don't like to do, I much prefer tickets and emails.

An 0800 number will soon be going up, that should make it look more professional.

erm, conor, don't want to be a pain ;-)
but on your site, it says, unlimited problems, it might be just me but I don't think it exactly sounds right!


If you can man live chat for set hours a day, I would recommend it. Humans have Instant Gradification Syndrome (IGS). Either you will provide them the answer instantly or someone else will. I love the Kayako Support Suite Live Chat + Help desk is something that I love. We can log live chats based on e-mail and it will show up in tickets. Then we can track the client no matter what they use.
Yep :) It's done that way on purpose actually ;)

It's a slam AGAINST unlimited providers. Anyone who has ever hosted with an unlimited provider knows the issues that they face. Most of our business comes from those that were using unlimited hosting providers and now need a real host!

We've tested a few different banners and this one actually got the most response out of users on clicks. We've got a few others that we rotate on other sites for testing before launching on our main site.
Thanks its interesting hearing thoughts of people who having doing this years, our background, is local IT, web design and then hosting sites we have built and designed for local customers face to face. Most who had no idea about the web except, "we need a website"

Internet signups is a new area we are venturing into and learning step with marketing such services, I'm looking at a lot of competitors to see how they lay information out.
Yep :) It's done that way on purpose actually ;)

It's a slam AGAINST unlimited providers. Anyone who has ever hosted with an unlimited provider knows the issues that they face. Most of our business comes from those that were using unlimited hosting providers and now need a real host!

We've tested a few different banners and this one actually got the most response out of users on clicks. We've got a few others that we rotate on other sites for testing before launching on our main site.

I didn't even notice that the other day Conor. I love it.

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