VPS6.NET - Linux VPS & Windows VPS from $9 /mo - 1Gbps - USA, UK, DE, RO


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VPS6.NET - www.vps6.net
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Chicago | Atlanta | New York | Los Angeles | Frankfurt | Bucharest

VPS6.NET offers affordable, high quality Linux & Windows VPS hosting designed for top performance, total reliability, and unlimited customizability. Our host servers are designed to ensure top performance for your applications, with Dual Xeon E5-2640 CPUs, 96GB DDR3 RAM, and RAID10 15k SAS Disks. We understand that uptime and reliability are critical to your success, and we guarantee:

+ 99.99% Network Availability
+ 100% Hardware Availability
+ 1hr Action on All Support Requests

Features standard with every VPS:

+ SolusVM VPS Panel
+ 24/7/365 Support via Tickets & Live Chat
+ RAID10 Redundant + Fast Storage
+ Full root / Administrator access
+ 99.99% Service Level Agreement SLA
+ 1Gbps Shared Uplink
+ Choice of Linux or Windows OS Distribution
+ DNS & RDNS Management Panel


Use code MYNEWVPS6-2014 for 10% off ANY hosting service, for life!


Linux VPS Hosting from $11.65/mo (with MYNEWVPS6-2014 promo) - Instant Setup!

Xen VPS can be deployed on our VPS6 Supernodes in less than five minutes.

XEN-128 \\ 20GB RAID10 Disk \\ 128MB DDR3 RAM \\ 500GB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $54.95 /6-mo. -- Linux VPS »

XEN-256 \\ 30GB RAID10 Disk \\ 256MB DDR3 RAM \\ 1TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $12.95/mo -- Linux VPS »
XEN-512 \\ 40GB RAID10 Disk \\ 512MB DDR3 RAM \\ 2TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $18.95/mo -- Linux VPS »
XEN-1024 \\ 50GB RAID10 Disk \\ 1GB DDR3 RAM \\ 3TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $29.95/mo -- Linux VPS »

Custom Xen VPS \\ Your choice of resources! \\ From $10.48/mo -- Configure Now!

Windows VPS Hosting from $10.36/mo (with MYNEWVPS6-2014 promo) - Instant Setup!

Instant setup Windows VPS systems provide fast and easy access to enterprise software.
WIN-256 \\ 30GB RAID10 Disk \\ 256MB DDR3 RAM \\ 1TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $12.95/mo -- Windows VPS »
WIN-512 \\ 40GB RAID10 Disk \\ 512MB DDR3 RAM \\ 2TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $18.95/mo -- Windows VPS »
WIN-1024 \\ 50GB RAID10 Disk \\ 1GB DDR3 RAM \\ 3TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $29.95/mo -- Windows VPS »
WIN-2048 \\ 100GB RAID10 Disk \\ 2GB DDR3 RAM \\ 3TB Bandwidth \\ 1Gbps Port -- $54.95/mo -- Windows VPS »

Custom Xen VPS \\ Your choice of resources! \\ From $20.40/mo -- Configure Now!

Also see our cheap VPS hosting specials!

What makes us stand out from the rest?

SUPERIOR Hardware.
- Our host servers are optimized for the absolute best network and disk i/o.
- 1Gbps network uplink is included with every VPS.
- RAID10 15k SAS Disks provides enhanced data security, and fastest possible i/o speeds.

GUARANTEED Reliability.
- 99.99% Network Availability Guaranteed.
- 100% Hardware Availability Guaranteed.

- Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and Atlanta, USA.
- Frankfurt, Germany and Bucharest, Romania.


Windows Server 2008 R2 Web / Standard / Enterprise / Datacenter
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise

CentOS 6, CentOS 5
Debian 6, Debian 5
Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu 10.04
Fedora 17, Fedora 16, Fedora 15
OpenSUSE 11.4, OpenSUSE 11.3
Gentoo 2012
Arch Linux 2012.01
Slackware 14.0
Scientific 6, Scientific 5
AltLinux 5.1

+ Many more...


Chicago VPS Hosting: Test IP
Atlanta VPS Hosting: Test IP
New York VPS Hosting: Test IP
Los Angeles VPS Hosting: Test IP
Frankfurt VPS Hosting: Test IP
Romania VPS Hosting: Test IP

For more information, email sales [@] vps6.net or find us on live chat at www.vps6.net. We look forward to serving you!
