Web Hosting


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I just hate it when web hosts mislead you and literally ruin your web site. Darn those money sucking hosts that do nothing but disappoint me. Now I have to transfer my hosting to Globat. I hope that they don't make the same mistake like what my previous web host did. All i can say is that these companies should know better. We pay real bucks and its no joke to throw away client's money and files!
Mabye you should list the hostname and how they mislead you, so others won't get stuck in your situtation too.

BTW have you done your research on Globat? Make sure you go into detail, before you really move over.

I'm sorry for what has happen't to you and what you've must have gone through. I know how it feels, and all I can say is USE the experience and learn from it. So that next time, the same problem doesn't happen. Hosting is a matter that should not be rushed into. Take your time and choose a good one.

Good luck :)
I agree, I researched for probably a week or two until I found a reliable dedicated server deal. The good thing about it is, that every site you go to and check out; you learn a little bit more information as you progress.
angelamitch said:
Now I have to transfer my hosting to Globat.

This line alone tells me that you are in the price range that you will continue to have problems.
If your sites and files mean so much to you then perhaps it's time to consider a more stable solution.
A terabyte of shared web hosting space? OMG...that's insane.

I can't think of a single thing anyone could do to fill a TB of space that wouldn't violate a typical shared hosting ToS.

Does anyone even know what a terabyte is?
Blue said:
This line alone tells me that you are in the price range that you will continue to have problems.
If your sites and files mean so much to you then perhaps it's time to consider a more stable solution.

I agree, quality comes with a price. If you want good support, you have to pay for it. If you want uptime, you have to pay for it. Not everything will be so cheap.
.amaZe said:
I agree, quality comes with a price. If you want good support, you have to pay for it. If you want uptime, you have to pay for it. Not everything will be so cheap.
I have seen some cheap packages and hosts. The only thing about those companies sometimes can be about the number of customers. Some cheaper hosting companies have a small amount of customers and on a small server. Therefore, they don't have much support to deal with and they know if they do oversell, that they can cover the resources still.
Personal bet: this person is one of Globat's mentors, who get compensations for mentioning/attracting attention to Globat on hosting forums. Every few months there's a new set of newbies mentioning Globat.
ldcdc said:
Personal bet: this person is one of Globat's mentors, who get compensations for mentioning/attracting attention to Globat on hosting forums. Every few months there's a new set of newbies mentioning Globat.

You're probably right.

I once did a foray into the paid forum posting world. I paid a bunch of forum posters to fill up a forum for me. Until then, I couldn't really spot a paid forum poster, but after that I can spot most of them right away.

The OP sounds like a forum poster, I agree.
I haven't really seen them advertise much, but I agree with you guys, could be possible. Also the poster never replied, usually they would reply about it and give us more details. Can't be ban this crap, if it happens a lot here? Just wastes our time and effort into helping people.

Hi I'm sorry for the late reply I got so busy with a lot of stuff lately. Yes I did post in these entries in other web hosting forums. I wanted to get more feedback from you guys since I'm not a techie. I never thought that i would get these replies.. u must have thought that I'm from Globat. LOL! It was just one of my options. Since Ive read your comments, i guess i wouldn't get globat anymore. hahahaha!! and i promise not to mention anymore web hosts that would tick anyone. I have a web developer doing my site and I'm not sure if its the freaking web host or my developer who's ****ing up. But anyway, Im glad to hear a lot of responses.. I'm still working on this mess but anyway just post in replies if you have more opinions.
angelamitch said:
I'm still working on this mess but anyway just post in replies if you have more opinions.
Yeah... so you haven't really told us yet what your previous hosting company did taht you are so angry, or what URL you hosted with them.
Sure want to complaint

angelamitch said:
I just hate it when web hosts mislead you and literally ruin your web site. Darn those money sucking hosts that do nothing but disappoint me. Now I have to transfer my hosting to Globat. I hope that they don't make the same mistake like what my previous web host did. All i can say is that these companies should know better. We pay real bucks and its no joke to throw away client's money and files!

Definitely!! we pay but in return we get the bad service with no respond at all! :smash:
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I agree with most other people here. If you want to stop moving hosts every few weeks/months you might need to do more research on the hosts. Use google, using 5 minutes of your time could save your hours in the long run.

Good luck.
Do your homework, and don't expect something for nothing.
Look at any dedicated server provider and see if you can get a dedicated server with 1TB ... so how can anyone really provide that on a shared hosting plan?
A little common sense is all too uncommon in the hosting world these days.
Most of us have been there one time or another

Most of us have got screwed by a hosting provider and/or dedicated solutions provider at one time or another...lie and learn
I lost 60 GB of data on a partner server deal while back and that was last time will ever share a server for sure. Then went to a crap company with slow servers and even lousier support cause didnt do homework. Then went to another provider that cost me 30 Gb of data, all my clients and a month of downtime while recoded and fixed stuff since backups werent up to the day.
Best solution is to get your own servers hands down so have control over most of the potential problems that arise.
Biggest lesson I learned - KEEP CURRENT backups ALWAYS, no service provider is infallible and 80% of them SUCk so make sure you keep them backups curent

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