webdesign programs

Yea, in terms of the programming you can just use Dreamweaver, which is a very good resource to have. Also, everyone knows that notepad/wordpad is good for quick and easy html edits
Gimp is a nice free graphics editor that used together with a textEditor like textpad or something similar produces nice websites. Of course coding it yourself...

WYSIWYG web design software are not very usefull for me. I don't usually recomend them
I like Visual Studios.Net 2003. Of course I use Photoshop and Illustrator for images and such.

However, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and yes NotePad are all good choices!

I use a combo of Photoshop, ImageReady, and Dreamweaver. Although i'm no mast designer, I am getting better :thumbsup:
I'm an avid user of PaintShop Pro 7 and the new PaintShop Pro 10 (Corel did an AWESOME job of revamping that software).

For coding, I use Crimson Editor. Of course, I'm used to doing everything by hand, as a Visual Basic and PHP coder.
I'm using the Photoshop - Dreamweaver combination for over five yours now, two great programs. In my early years it was Notepad + other programs :)
NotePad++ for Windows (SF.net Link)

I use Fireworks to do my layout/editing, but dedicatedly use notepad for the actual HTML/PHP/ASP/JS. Before I started using CSS-based layouts, I was using Dreamweaver, but it's preference towards users who use tables instead of CSS has made me move away.

Besides, only people who need to use Dreamweaver's predictive tags use dreamweaver :p