Website Marketing A Few Pitfalls


New member
Don't fall for just any sales pitch out there. SEO is as competitive as the hosting business. These are some things to watch out for.

1. Low Ball Link submission promises. For example a company tells you that they will submit your site to 500 directories for 30.00. While link building is key to SEO, you should consider, What is the page rankings of the directories they are submitting your site to? How relevant are the directories to your product? Consider some of these things before you take the plunge, or you could be throwing money down the toilet.

2. Don't fall for a quick fix scheme. There are several companies out there telling you that you will be on Google, Bing, And Yahoo within 24-48 hours. This is bologna unless they are the OWNERS of these search engines. The only thing an SEO company can do is help make your site more Search engine friendly, and assist with building pr through various measures. I have marketed many of my sites and I have some sites that are still ranking quite low. I have a church website that I designed about a year ago ranking pretty high. To my amazement I designed a Free web hosting site as an offspring of our paid hosting, and it indexed on the first page of the engine within 2 days. There is no guarantee as to when your site will be indexed, and how it will be indexed. There is no quick fix and remember that Rome was not built in a day. When hiring even the best website marketing company, expect a minimum of 3-6 months to see some changes in your indexing and it could take years of SEO experts working on your site to get you where you need to be.

3.Remember that nothing is FREE If you want to make money you have to spend money and a lot of time. If you want to build a profitable web hosting business then SEO is going to be the most time consuming task that you have. I recommend hiring an expert to assist with this task. But each to their own. If you want to take on the task yourself, Google and several other sites for tools available that will assist you with evaluating your site to discover how SEO friendly it is? I would suggest starting there.

A word of advice............Be patient.......If you do it right, you will reap some benefits from it.
To add to the above, and considering the way search engines work nowadays, there is nothing better to boost a website than to fill it up and update it often with "good, well-written, original content" directly related to the topic(s) covered in the website.

Give them this... and traffic will eventually come.

This is what the search engine bots are looking for, and I don't think there are any long-term shortcuts to this fact.

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