What are some of the fundamentals that drive higher conversion ratios online?


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I think the primary fundamental that drives higher conversion ratios online is perceived value. While you may not have the best product or service, the perception of those can be vastly improved with effective copywriting. Here, professional presentation is key. You need to capture your prospect’s attention, then emotionally motivate them to action.

Your thoughts ...
I agree with your assessment. Product and services are later steps a customer takes when they are searching for something. But the actual journey starts much before that. Most times, subconsciously.
That's why it's critical to create a strong image to boost your company's perceived value online.
Reviews and testimonials are HUGE factors! Not just text on the page, but linking the view out to a 3rd party for actual backup. So many people can create a fake review, but linking out to a 3rd party site gives that extra piece of reinforcement.

We've seen big jumps in sales between not having a testimonial to having 3 or 5 - 5 really seems to win out in the end. We've also tested with a scrolling testimonial versus static, and static seems to win out too.
Reviews and testimonials are HUGE factors! Not just text on the page, but linking the view out to a 3rd party for actual backup. So many people can create a fake review, but linking out to a 3rd party site gives that extra piece of reinforcement.

We've seen big jumps in sales between not having a testimonial to having 3 or 5 - 5 really seems to win out in the end. We've also tested with a scrolling testimonial versus static, and static seems to win out too.
Convincing your customers to write a review is the hard part.
Here are Some key fundamentals that will help you drive higher conversion ratios:

The user experience
Creating a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand, plus a seamless and smooth checkout process & ensuring fast loading times and minimal downtime

Make sure your CTA is clear and concise & use strong action verbs that inspire the reader to take action.

Social proof
Include customer testimonials. These can be quotes from customers talking about their experience with your product or service, including a social media feed on your website. Use images or videos whenever possible to add an extra layer of authenticity.
Another way to create social proof is to show your product or service's popularity.

Creating a sense of urgency
If you can create a sense of urgency, that will also help drive conversions. This can be done by including a countdown timer on your website or highlighting limited-time offers.

Offering a guarantee can be a great way to increase confidence in your brand and boost conversion rates.

Live chat
Live chat allows customers to answer their questions in real-time. This can help reduce shopping cart abandonment and increase conversions.
If you're not already offering live chat on your website. It's an investment that will pay off in higher conversion rates and happier customers.
Convincing your customers to write a review is the hard part.
This will always be hard to do, no matter your incentives. A customer has to feel like there is something in it for them. I understand it, instant gratification. So I try to do incentive programs that give credits for any kind of review (positive or negative). These credits can be used for any other purchases or services they request in the future.

I'm not sure if that applies to any other business, but it's helpful. Many customer satisfaction surveys I receive offer Amazon gift cards or something similar. I'm trying to do something similar on a smaller scale without it coming across as "I paid for this review."

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