What are you using for keyword research?


Hosting Service
I have learned that keywords are main thing in your business.
I need too, that you must use more than one tool to research your keyword.
So what tools are you using?

My first tool is Google tool
Second tool is Market Samurai

What is yours?
market Samurai is great, google is good. webceo, yahoo's keywords, any of the PPC places.

The thing to know is what your market is - then go backwards as to what people would search for, and then attack it from that angle.
Wow, this is going to be a great thread for me with a wealth of knowledge. I need as much SEO help a newbie can get. I've used Google Keyword Tool before, but it helps to have more sources. I'll be keeping my eye on this thread.
I usually start off with Market Samurai and then double check with google keywords and cross reference with the first page of the SERPs. Yes, I have trust issues, but I just like to see Google's results as well.
So, this might be a dumb question, but where do you put these keywords your talking about? Do you embed them in your pages or include them in blog posts/page text?

I have never had a very good experience with google adwords and it has always seemed like a scam to me. Have you guys tried that?
So, this might be a dumb question, but where do you put these keywords your talking about? Do you embed them in your pages or include them in blog posts/page text?

I have never had a very good experience with google adwords and it has always seemed like a scam to me. Have you guys tried that?
It depends on what keywords you are targetting (and also how many), but usually putting the main one in your <title> and <h1> tags are very important. As is then putting the various keywords *in a readable way* in your content a few times.
Google Keyword Tool is my favorite and only tool that I'm currently using. I'm hesitant to use multiple tools because they may conflict in suggestions, so I'm sticking with one until it proves useless.
To research the exact search volume of keywords and their advertisers competition, you can't depends on single tools.
I use Google Keyword Tool as well. So far I do not have any problem with this tool, it's a great help and it can put up your website rank on your preferred search engine.
Tools like Google AdWords, Wordtracker and Keyword Discover could be all great to use for learning of the main terms to target and choose for launching a business but one thing is important and that is knowing of the competition. For example, targeting terms like Hosting might be a mistake because such one word terms are impossible to rank and choose due to the competition but some long trail terms are better.

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