What are your opinions on registering several domains for the same website!

How much money would you lose if someone typed in yourdomain.net and didn't find your yourdomain.com business? I think Conor presented a valid business strategy for duplicate domains.

Dude, that why I mentioned "gTLDs" (it inccludes .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .asia, .eu, etc..), which I think will suffice his wish to be visible. I agree that Conor did bring out a great point. However, I believe that registering the above mentioned extensions will be enough and like conor mentioned, most extensions can be redirected back to 1 popular extension.
Dude, that why I mentioned "gTLDs" (it inccludes .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .asia, .eu, etc..), which I think will suffice his wish to be visible. I agree that Conor did bring out a great point. However, I believe that registering the above mentioned extensions will be enough and like conor mentioned, most extensions can be redirected back to 1 popular extension.
Hey, I agree with you on generic domains. I really don't think you need more than .com and .net domains though, unless you have a specific requirement.
I think it's a good idea as long as you are dedicated to the site/domain/company name and plan to be around for a long time and run a real business. I've seen people register all 3 (.com/.net/.org) and never get the site off the ground only to let them all expire or only retain the .com in the end.

I guess branding plays an important factors for such case. Personally I would not park several domains on a same website as I feel that it can (although I knew authorities say it won't) creates problems to my SEO work.

I'm glad to see some of us here, like for HandsonHosting, have no problem with the issue at all. But that's provided that you've done everything right (as said by HandsonHosting himself) - I certainly won't take such risks to my established websites.
Honestly, .org is an iffy TLD to decide on whether to purchase or not. Someone out there will buy it if they think it's worth it. It all boils down to if this is something that you want to spend money on or not. I have a lot of domains and some are even the same but I use .com .net .org on the ones I want to create a "monopoly" for. However, most of the time I just use one type of site per domain, that way I can maximize the potential with those three domains. It can be done, but as it was said before on this thread, you have to do it right. That's just like anything else in business or life for that matter.
I have a lot of domains and some are even the same but I use .com .net .org on the ones I want to create a "monopoly" for. However, most of the time I just use one type of site per domain, that way I can maximize the potential with those three domains. It can be done, but as it was said before on this thread, you have to do it right. That's just like anything else in business or life for that matter.

I am kind of lost out here...Are you trying to say that u generate Traffic only on one extention?
I've seen people use the different TDLs for different areas..
.com = main site
.net = internal network, or control panels
.org = wiki, knowledgebase

Not something I see myself doing, but interesting.
Unless you're owner of a large corporate website, a single .com and country tld with same domain name is sufficient for a small and mid size business.
I would think that if you were to register numerous names for the same website ( For example one that comes to mind is gamesages.com goes to ign.com ) sometimes I would think that it can be easier for people to remember one name and not the other, or it can just sound better by choice.
I agree FT....but recently i've noticed a lot fo companies diversifying their marketing content (on the diff cctld/gtld) to suit the needs of their audeince, even though the product (Including support!) they sell is still the same.

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