What Art Program do you use to develop designs and logos?


New member
I'm a bit of an artsy sort, and I want to experiment to see if I can make a web template on my own. I'm using Paint Tool Sai, and while the program is great for artists, it just can't handle what I'm trying to achieve. Is Photoshop still number one in terms of what people use to make designs or is there another program out there?
Logo Design, I would go with Adobe Illustrator. Web Design, Photoshop + Dreamweaver is a good combination.
Yes if you are a designer

Adobe's suite of products will more than make you happy and well worth the investment.
AI is a requirement for logos. It's one of the cleanest VECTOR graphic programs out there. While Fireworks will do the job, any print company will look for AI before anything else. Last thing you'd want to do is use Photoshop for use with a 4" graphic, then later find out that you need a 4'x6' table banner and now have to redesign your logo as Photoshop makes the image pixelated.

Photoshop is good for online things - anything on a monitor, but if you're doing anything in the print world, save the headache and use AI.
Adobe is the best in graphics. You can create amazing designs and logos in its products i.e Illustrator and Photoshop.

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