What attributes does a page need to be considered as high quality by a search engine?


New member
※ The page is relevant to the terms being searched for.
※ The page is considered an authority about its topic.
※ The page has good, useful content.
※ The page is part of a site with lots of information.
※ The page loads quickly.
※ The page doesn't have a bunch of broken links.
※ The page isn't filled with a cheap list of keywords.

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The page should contain a highly relevant title and url related to your niche. Add the H1 and H2 tags with good quality topics to reflect the keywords.
Add anchor text into the text to emphasize your main keywords and link to internal pages
※ The page is relevant to the terms being searched for.
※ The page is considered an authority about its topic.
※ The page has good, useful content.
※ The page is part of a site with lots of information.
※ The page loads quickly.
※ The page doesn't have a bunch of broken links.
※ The page isn't filled with a cheap list of keywords.

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Aside from good, useful content. Make sure that you have as much original content as possible. A search engine also tracks if you have content on your website that are duplicated from other sites.
you must also make sure your title tags and meta tags are written correctly. This includes titles for each one of your page with the topic, and meta descriptions summarizing the site.
※ The page is relevant to the terms being searched for.
※ The page is considered an authority about its topic.
※ The page has good, useful content.
※ The page is part of a site with lots of information.
※ The page loads quickly.
※ The page doesn't have a bunch of broken links.
※ The page isn't filled with a cheap list of keywords.

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※ The page may have social share buttons for sharing page in social websites , it will give more popularity to page.
※ The page must have SEO friendly content .
There should be unique content, accurate and clear tags which are good for SEO, working links. You should always pay attention to content - all text and etc should be prepared for SEO.