What do Reseller Hosts Look For?


New member
Other than the solid solid support and alot of features, any Resellers want to give their 2 cents on what they wish their host had?
IMO, I think resellers would like to help resell dedicated/ reseller/ VPS plans. But I think the #1 thing resellers want is 100% uptime.
I dont mean to post again, but I also think they would like to resell domain names (cheap) and get shared/ private SSL.
All hosts (even resellers) should always have an SSL cert. (secured) with there billing control panel, even if no cridet card is entered.
rjnsmith said:
I dont mean to post again, but I also think they would like to resell domain names (cheap) and get shared/ private SSL.
All hosts (even resellers) should always have an SSL cert. (secured) with there billing control panel, even if no cridet card is entered.


Also, I think a solid support system with fast response time is absolute. I mean, how would you feel if your server went down and there was no response time for 30 minutes and the reseller had clients hollering at THEM about down sites?

Just about anything that would help automate the flow would interest a reseller. Automated billing system, automated help desk, etc. For example, if biz A offerred Plan A for 59.95 a month for 50Gb/500Gb and biz 2 offerred the same plan for 69.95/month and Clientexec, then they would choose biz 2 for simplicity's sake (of course it depends on the reseller).
