What do you do when you've acquired a bad domain?


New member
If you've bought a particularly unattractive domain in a moment of weakness or due to an extremely low price, what do you do with it? Drop it as soon as you get the chance, try to develop it, or park it?
Depends on what was the purpose when you bought them, in case if it is lying unused I would rather consider to develop few mini sites/blogs of similar niche.
I'd have to agree with bobchrist - just depends how much time you want to commit to that domain.
At a minimum, ANY domain you buy should be put to use whether it's parking it, or making a mini site. Spending the $10 for registration means you had an idea. Go with it. The beauty of the web is that you can let your idea evolve or change over time. Test the waters and see what happens.

We have hundreds of mini sites that direct to various different things, from our hosting site, affiliate programs with stores, and informational sites. We don't spend a ton of time marketing or branding the others, but they bring in a little bit of traffic and revenue.

Make a mini site, pop up informaiton, link it back to you - at a minimum you've at least created an inbound link to your site which will help in a search engine ranking ;)
Like others said, you had something in mind when you bought it. If you are willing to spend some time on it, develop it and see where it goes. You can always reconsider your options later down the line.
Agreed, there really are no bad domains - once you're stuck with a name there really is no reason to not devote an hour or two to developing it.
You can cancel the registration and lose about $1 (within 4 days after the registration) or you can get it parked or try to sell that through namepros sedo or domainnews
I would delete it if its not too late, and lose the $1.00. Or try to sell the domain and recover some of your money back.
You can cancel the registration and lose about $1 (within 4 days after the registration) or you can get it parked or try to sell that through namepros sedo or domainnews

I was not aware of that. Is it true for all domain registrars out there or only certain ones?
I have had many bad domains. Sometimes I look back and wonder what I was thinking. Now I take more time to think about names. I just do not renew the ones I dont use.
I've used unwanted domains in a giveaway more than once to draw some attention to my sites or services :)

Good idea :) I've got a grip of domains I don't think I'll ever use and I'm sure there's a few people ho wouldn't mind having them.
If you have it, then the best way is to deal with it.
GO for either : try to develop it or then the easiest way is to park it , parking the domain will the best option.
You can try to sell it by parking it. We have different opinion about domain names. It may sounds ridiculous to you, but somebody else may like it. Or you can monetize it using Adsense for domain program. For one year, you may get some clicks which can pay your registration cost.
I recommend that you can park it or do a blog with the domain.It is better than dropping it.You can also sell it to some one who is interested in it.

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