What do you guys think?


New member
Hello all,
Launched my free hosting site 2 days ago and some feedback would be nice from you guys. Bad or Good I guess will do, I will make changes if needed :)

Link: www.gigazu.com
One of the best presentations I've seen developed for LayeredPanel platform. Well done.
Nicely done. Very good website and impressed. main_banner.jpg is slightly big maybe make it a slight smaller.

The only other thing you may need to do is: this
thanks, i have to look into that :)

Do you guys know any effective and cheap ways to promote web hosting sites?
thanks guys, any tips for efficient promotions
Don't overdo the promotions "oversell to the extreme", sure you will get some business but if the end user is interested in only the quantity then it's almost certain that it will be a short-term customer, and I'm sure as a business you want as many long term customers as you can get.
Very nice design! One of the best I've previewed in a coupel of days! The colors are really nice, it's laid out well and easy to navigate. All in all I would give it a 7/10!

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