What do you like and dislike about your webhosting provider?


New member
I would like to hear different points of view and thoughts on what you really like and dislike about your web hosting/provider.
We are talking about anything to do with a Web Hosting company and what they offer. It could all be very different from company to company.
It differs from company to company. If another some companies provide good service we cannot blame them because of few other companies who do provide good service in hosting industry.
Well if you can count a dedicated server provide I like hostdime because of their fantastic customer service.
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I am also satisfies with my provider, till now no any problem. I hope in future no any problem occur , if occur then it may sort as soon as possible.
I like fast support that explains issues in details. I really dislike generic answers that some providers use often and give almost no actual info about the issue.
Service and Support plays an important role for a hosting provider. If client get good service and efficient support for their services when they are facing any issue, it keeps the client satisfied.
I think uptime is the most important. Why would you want to be a provider that offers real cheap hosting but your site is always down. Next, I would say that service and availability would be important. Last the price.
Basically clients search for the good service provider then the issues which occur is solve in few minuets ie the provider has good technical support too.
Then services which are provided is completely transparent with payment modes too.
Does a DC work? If it does, then I love their Support Team.

The only thing I don't like is that they sometimes charge too much for their servers and etc. LOL.
Support is the basic aspect of a hosting company and one hate/like his/her host only due to support. Because every system faces some times problem but if you get good support from your host, you can easily forget the hassle.

That's why one should test a host's support thoroughly before signing up to avoid frustration in future.

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