What do you think of the word Blimple ?


I am starting a new host and need a name that is brandable like:



What do you think of the word Blimple?
When you've never heard of it, it may sound weird, just like any other site out there. If you get known, this name will be good.

Seriously: Yahoo!...Bing...twitter?
Certainly catchy however.... all of the names you list above, as stupid as they would have sounded when first spoken, all have an origin or meaning to the companies respective founders... whether that means anything or not... time will tell for blimple. Must mean something that I didn't have to look back to the post to remember the name though :)
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Certainly catchy however.... all of the names you list above, as stupid as they would have sounded when first spoken, all have an origin or meaning to the companies respective founders... whether that means anything or not... time will tell for blimple. Must mean something that I didn't have to look back to the post to remember the name though :)

I mostly got blimp and pimple for the feed back aka a really big Pimple. But most people said it was catchy.

Also I was thinking about google it is really a gross word.

Goo and Gle (gurgle?) goo gurgle basically.

Still not sure I will use Blimple but something about seems to be catchy.

Who knows.
The name is certainly unique - if you have significant financial resources, marketing manpower, time, etc. to build a brand around a blimple - go for it.

Succeeding as a startup is difficult; most likely you will attract more clients if you instead choose a name that is recognizably related to the hosting industry.

Do you want to focus on educating prospects about your products and services, or having to explain what a "blimple" is (or isn't)?
That is a a descion that is soley up to you, as it was said said above, every name such as "google, yahoo and etc." has a respective meaning to its founders.

Having the orignial domain would be a asset to your company also.