What do you think on website design updates?


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According to your opinion, how often your website design should be updated? What other website updates are the most important for a website? What advices would you provide for people who are going to update a website?
I'd say about every year. But I guess changing it every 6months wouldn't be so bad. It's just your preference. If you already have a eye catching design, why change it? You know what I mean? As long as it's working out for you. Leave it alone.
It is better to be with templates,

That would be good idea for that & it is very easy & wise method too rather than following traditional process,


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If you can find the time I would say ever 3 to 6 months. If you make your money by your website its a crucial factor that its updated with not only content but web design standards - such as 2.0 and so on. My advice if you are going to update your website would be to make sure your new design is something you wont get sick of right away. Also, make sure you have enough room / space on your design encase your company starts to grow. There is nothing more annoying then a website that trying to display to much information. I hope I was helpful. Best of luck to you and your website.
We've had the same design for about 2 years now, and no plans to change it any time in the near future. People recognize the site as a brand. if you keep changing it, and keep changing navigation etc, then people can get confused when trying to access certan things.

IF you decide to make a change on your site, set it up on a development site, make all your changes and everything integrate and THEN change it over to live. Do not put up pages such as "under construction" or HALF sites - this only annoys people and will force them to go elsewhere (and probably not return).

Don't forget about SEO - if you change file names, directories etc - you can seriously damage your already spidered pages, so don't forget to put in 301 redirects for SEO.
you should update your site content at least twice in a month, it makes your site active and helps to find google easily. As far as design it's depends on your site theme and your business.
According to your opinion, how often your website design should be updated? What other website updates are the most important for a website? What advices would you provide for people who are going to update a website?

The Design need not be updated that frequently,but the content and the data does need to be updated frequently.
This helps bring search engine Juice:agree:
Updating the content depends from company to company and not many companies really need it, for hosting companies its mandatory to change the content
To change the design really depends on you. It's your choice for the design - if you're sick of it or not. If you are, by all means change it. If not, it's up to you.

For hosting companies, updating the content is more important than updating a design.

Of course you should update your design if it is really getting outdated (see www.bestwebhost.com), as design gives customers the first impression.
ok, thanks guys for your good opinions! I think if website design updates bring the certain improvements the more ofter they are performed - the better!
If you need to get good place in Search engines, you have to have some updates every week. I have a site about teeth whitening products, I am doing some updates every week and get some good places in search engines, :p

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According to your opinion, how often your website design should be updated? What other website updates are the most important for a website? What advices would you provide for people who are going to update a website?

In my opinion you need to find the right design and then stick with it. Maybe change it when you don't like the design anymore. All you need is one good design and you will be set. Best of luck!!!
We've had the same design for about 2 years now, and no plans to change it any time in the near future. People recognize the site as a brand. if you keep changing it, and keep changing navigation etc, then people can get confused when trying to access certan things.

IF you decide to make a change on your site, set it up on a development site, make all your changes and everything integrate and THEN change it over to live. Do not put up pages such as "under construction" or HALF sites - this only annoys people and will force them to go elsewhere (and probably not return).

Don't forget about SEO - if you change file names, directories etc - you can seriously damage your already spidered pages, so don't forget to put in 301 redirects for SEO.

Id agree entirely with handson, find something you and your customers like ensure it is unique and stick with it, updating the content regularly is a must and the occasional addition of other parts to the site such as say a forum latter in the life of the company and status blogs etc may be smaller time frame updates but otherwise there is no real need to change unless there is an issue.

I would also say it sets you apart from a fly by night host, those that rip sites and change them in quick succession, to keep under the radar from those companies who own the copyright and or other rights to the site design and content.
Id agree entirely with handson, find something you and your customers like ensure it is unique and stick with it, updating the content regularly is a must and the occasional addition of other parts to the site such as say a forum latter in the life of the company and status blogs etc may be smaller time frame updates but otherwise there is no real need to change unless there is an issue.

I would also say it sets you apart from a fly by night host, those that rip sites and change them in quick succession, to keep under the radar from those companies who own the copyright and or other rights to the site design and content.

Very true thats why people starting out in the web hosting business who only no business need to find a professional web designer. Our websites are the heart of our business.:party:
An important consideration should be whether your site is working for you as planned. If it is, keep the design and update the content - to promote branding and to give your clients a reason to come back to your site. Active blogs and forums work wonders to enhance SEO.
An important consideration should be whether your site is working for you as planned. If it is, keep the design and update the content - to promote branding and to give your clients a reason to come back to your site. Active blogs and forums work wonders to enhance SEO.

Id agree and I’m not sure how many of you follow the design discussion on various forums but we ourselves have recently traded in the forum in exchange for a blog for that reason, as its easier to maintain and it allows our developers to stretch their fingers in the way of a series of tutorials starting from hello world :help: to CMS and website layouts. But gives us great flexibility to integrate live news across the site (now on the home page linked in etc) RSS feeds and the likes, to which we also plan on providing some tutorials for :D

I’d certainly recommend a blog, it’s practically made myself and our developers fall over backwards with how easy it is to use and customise and the different languages and content we’d be able to provided almost in a way abstract from the official hosting front but still linked into that root is something we are very excited about.
About once I year I like to do minor changes (Something different with the header, icons, etc) just to make it look "fresh". I don't like to do to many dramatic changes.
According to your opinion, how often your website design should be updated? What other website updates are the most important for a website? What advices would you provide for people who are going to update a website?

The key is not necessarily updating the design. It is about updating the content and keeping fresh content. There are many small businesses who will build a site and work so hard to reach success in the search engines. Then they think they have one and a month later they are in the back of the pack. Also, staying up to date with technology is key too.

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