What if Internet collapse for an year?


New member
What will you do if an internet collapse for an year ? I think I will myself collapse for an year. What about you guys ?
The "internet" has about as much chance of going offline for 6 hours as it does for an entire year. There'd need to be a major catastrophe on a global scale for this to happen, and at that point, being able to update their Twitter status on the internet is the least of anyones concerns!

Now, we have seen smaller scale incidents of this nature where entire TLDs have been offline. The most recent I remember was in October 2009 when the TLD for Sweeden was offline due to a DNS modification. It took down all websites with a .SE extension (oops).
one year is tool long.. I think that would be the end of world for me.

I wonder What will happen to Share Markets.
If the entire internet shuts off, I think we would have other, bigger problems to worry about. Because something really bad must've happened to have caused it. ;)
Ya me too, probably going to collapse or else I will just forget it and find a way to deal with the problem, may be I'll invent something more useful ;)
I would be pretty surprised if it did :)

However I would do some local Business work most likely, and plan for when the internet came back, could be a great chance to steal some Business!
There'd need to be a major catastrophe on a global scale for this to happen, and at that point, being able to update their Twitter status on the internet is the least of anyones concerns!

Farmers won't be so immediately affected by the Internet collapsing, as would web designers, web hosts etc. These people will lose more than their sense of security, they will lose their livelihood. Most will cope for 6 hours, but few will be able to do so for a year.

Newspapers and the television might get a lot of attention once again, and possibly a lot of money too. Bloggers having to turn journalists might be a common scenario.
Government can exercise its right to shut down communication via Internet in case of terrorist threats. I can't imagine how the World would behave without Internet.
It's hard to imagine the world without internet (which is funny since it's really not that old). I'd probably start trying to grow my own food and learn to shoot to scare off looters.
An entire year? I think the world itself will halt for a year. I'll go back to the farm and plant vegetables to survive :) Then I'd pray that fate would at least spare the mobile phones from such catastrophe
At this point in my life, I don't think I'd be able to last if they shut off the internet for that long. I'd lose a lot of online friends that I've known for years, and I'm not sure if human society would be able to recover if they lost access to one major thing that left them able to communicate internationally.

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