What is so Big About Linux??

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I see so many people on here and in the "outside world" saying that Linux is "OMG AWESOME!!" but really - it's just an open source OS (as far as I know).

Like really - most Windows programs don't work on Linux (again as far as I know), so what's the big deal, and if Iwere to try one of them, which one should I start with?
Many Windows desktop apps can be made to work under WINE (Windows Emulator). Not all, certainly; but a chunk of them.

Which distro you start with depends on your needs, your preferences, and your intent - same as choosing any software. I would not run the same *nix distro on my laptop, where I want a simple but somewhat attractive UI and some "desktop" functionality, that I run on my servers - which have multiple users at a time, different power/system demands, and are constantly powered up and delivering content.

The big deal with Linux is that it's another choice of software...and for folks who think that Microsoft doesn't deserve any more of their cash for releasing software before it's fully functional, Linux is a way to still have a computer - but doesn't require shelling out copious amounts of money for a Macintosh (the hardware, the OS, and all new software.)

Linux is easier to use than it was 15 years ago, when it was still more for geeks and techies than the average end user. It's still more for the tech-comfortable than for, say, the person who views computers as a "black box". But it's not as difficult to work with, the UI has matured quite a bit, and it's more flexible.

Think of it like driving a manual transmission versus an automatic: either is a car, it will get you from point A to point B. Learning, operation, and use are largely the same but differ slightly. There are hardcore enthusiasts of either type who will solemnly insist that one option is far superior to the other. But it's a tool - same as Windows, same as a Mac. Use the one you feel most comfortable with.
Just search with the keyword " Linux vs Windows" in any search engine its the best way to know about this, many prefer linux because its free
In A nutshell - Linux is more widely used in the Hosting industry and is a force to be reckoned when it comes to Hosting - Windows is also used sure but not as much (depending on your requirements)
Windows in the hosting industry is widely used by gameserver hosts. As, the TCAdmin control panel only works with windows, so majority of gameserver hosts use window type dedis.

Linux is used by Shared/reseller/image/file/ etc. type hosts.
I came to know via some reliable source that Linux is still in competition with Windows server edition, and its not monopoly in that segment, desktop segment in many countries ruled by Microsoft.

For servers one the good point to go for Linux is free and its widely supported by many technologists
The very fact that it is a valid, working, free alternative to other paid operating systems, is a huge advantage. For the very technically inclined, it being open source is great too.

Another great advantage of Linux is that it doesn't come in one flavour only. There are many distros out there, and you may eventually find one that truly suits your needs/preferences/hardware.
Can any one compare with features that is good with Linux than Windows leaving the pricing, obviously price is zero to less in Linux but what other features are there?
That's a big question - so big it can't really be answered with simple bullet-point lists. There are plenty of articles and comparison-lists elsewhere around the internet, though, that individuals can read through and decide which operating system will best suit their needs.

Additionally, there would then have to be another grid comparing each of the different flavors of Linux to each other - or each different flavor of Linux to Windows.
Linux is a great operating system for web development, but I wouldn't use it for my desktop. Windows obviously has the market for the PC, and that's not going to change any time soon. It just seems like too much work getting a Windows game to work on a Linux platform.
Linux is IMO, the best for hosting, networking, etc. When's the lasst time you left your Windows machine on for 3+ years without problems?
For servers, absolutely Linux unless you need some type of .net or ASP appication. Across the board, I think you'll find Linux hosting to cost less.
Linux vs Windows:

Linux is free, freely upgradable, it's flexible, non-proprietary, application work as they should without much or any modification.

Absolutely not free, even upgrades cost money, a lot of the addon software is proprietary, you won't get full functionality out of php. Not only is it more expensive to repair than Linux, you also need to find people who are licensed and qualified to work on Windows OS servers to avoid voiding any warranties you might have. In short, Windows Servers are made to make money for MS, and every little trickle down MS affiliate. It has it's place for the end user no doubt, but you simply can't beat a Linux machine when it comes to flexibility, price, and support.
Linux vs Windows:

Linux is free, freely upgradable, it's flexible, non-proprietary, application work as they should without much or any modification.

Absolutely not free, even upgrades cost money, a lot of the addon software is proprietary, you won't get full functionality out of php. Not only is it more expensive to repair than Linux, you also need to find people who are licensed and qualified to work on Windows OS servers to avoid voiding any warranties you might have. In short, Windows Servers are made to make money for MS, and every little trickle down MS affiliate. It has it's place for the end user no doubt, but you simply can't beat a Linux machine when it comes to flexibility, price, and support.

Well said. Windows has it's place. In my experience a simple 5 minute task on linux can take hours on Windows. I'm a php dev, so that the lack of functionality you mentioned turns me away from SM quite a bit.