What is the best way for getting new clients


New member
Hi all, i pay for google adsence, list on ebay but is there another way that i can get new hosting clients.
I was thinking about buying old hosting clients from hosting business that are closing down, but there does not seem to be that many at the moment thats at the right price ie under £5k.
We all know that there are alot of hosting companies out there and we are all fighting for new clients but unless i buy out a big company i just dont know where to look.
Any advise would help and thanks
Explore your local market. Visit local stores, restaurants, services - ask them if they have a website and email. It will be cheaper for a local dentist, for example, to send out a newsletter online then spend money doing traditional mailings.
There are many ways to get your name out there.
Try target the right audience by putting the word out there in the right places.

One good way is to add yourself to web hosting hosting directories send some press releases out there. As Artashes mentioned local businesses is also good. Remember Word of mouth is the best form of potential clients. If you're offering a great service you will definately get referred to.
Perhaps you could run a promotion of some sort with either a discounted first month as a trial for new customers or give your existing customers some sort of break for referring new clients. This doesn't have to be huge but giving them a one-time discount for each new customer they send could be well worth it for you.
As someone else brought up, check out your local market. It's amazing how much one can find that there is still a lot untapped.

Working with web designers is a great way get new leads.
Word of mouth advertising is your best source. Get your clients talking about you. Team up with local businesses and the chamber of commerce. Get involved with seminars and offer a free class through your local chamber (or college workshops) with how to get your site online. Provide useful knowledge to companies that they can actually use. Work with web developers. Sponsor websites (rather than adwords).

Hosting is just like any other business. If you wanted to promote a band, you post your flyers at the local music shops and coffee shops. If you want to promote an office supply company, you send mailers and reps to offices.

Don't forget that OFFLINE marketing does work! While your business is online, your clients are usualy brick and mortar. Talk to them, they WANT to work with you, they just don't know it yet!
Word of mouth advertising is your best source. Get your clients talking about you. Team up with local businesses and the chamber of commerce. Get involved with seminars and offer a free class through your local chamber (or college workshops) with how to get your site online. Provide useful knowledge to companies that they can actually use. Work with web developers. Sponsor websites (rather than adwords).

Hosting is just like any other business. If you wanted to promote a band, you post your flyers at the local music shops and coffee shops. If you want to promote an office supply company, you send mailers and reps to offices.

Don't forget that OFFLINE marketing does work! While your business is online, your clients are usualy brick and mortar. Talk to them, they WANT to work with you, they just don't know it yet!
Excellent post! It really is too easy for hosts to forget that the people who need hosting are usually the people who don't have it yet. :) In other words, market offline. Walk down Main Street in your town, visit the shops, and ask if they have a web site.
Also don't forget to get business cards when you visit your local area for new clients. Handsonhosting I really like the chamber of commerce idea. I think I will try that in the near future. You could also host a web seminar to promote your business.
Get in touch with your local chamber - they're always putting on events, and they'd be more than happy for you to give a 10-15 minute presentation at a mixer event or something. Here in Omaha, they have mixers every month. I'm actually involved with 3 local cities and their various events.

If you want to go the extra step - leave your business card EVERYWHERE. If you eat at a resturant, leave a busienss card with your receipt. Maybe THEY don't want your hosting, but someone they know might.

If you're not promoting your business, your business is dying. You must constantly advertise, if not for business this month, it's for business the next or the month after that.
advertise to google adwords not adsense, and local marketing is better also, and most of all, posting some foruims and promote by submitting your websites to WebDir.

First try to sell few packages to known persons need hosting service then promote slowly with their reference, this is best way for start ups who have good reference in this hosting industry
Speak nicely // email sites youll like to host lower prices while you talk to clients break down info. etc.
Happy Customers will get you lots of word of mouth marketing, offering a referral program as an incentive to current clients also works wonders.
Not really a big fan of advertising on forums myself. If you are involved in a community however and provide helpful feedback, then usually you'll pick up clients through that medium. It seems that every host (and their mom) posts in an OFFERS forum and you're competing bottom dollar for potential clients that will leave your business within a few weeks/months at the drop of a hat.

If you have a good working relationship with your customers, and forum members, you will almost certanly bring in new customers. Blanket advertising may as well be a flyer on my door handle at home. I'll likely rip it off and trash it before I even see what it said.

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