What is the longest your website/server was down?

Yeah well it was on and off, Was due to Heavy Dos attacks from heaps and heaps of differnt ips :p LOl Soon got rid of them.. haha

But yeah :) lol Kiz im sure ur server has been down surly.... LOL a webhost cannot Stay of for years and years longest ive seen one up is 2 years
like a weekend. i was totally freaked out because the time coincided with some time off from work and i only had that time to work on the site. Lost actual hair on that one. Made me start shopping for new hosting...
frattay22 said:
What is the longest your website/Server has been down?

Just a suggestion: if your thread title was "...website/server has been down", you would get a lot of more feedback. ;)


hostaddicts said:
A whole month

A whole month? Are you serious? And what explanation did they give it to you?

And how could you afford your site to be down for a whole month?

Apolo said:
Just a suggestion: if your thread title was "...website/server has been down", you would get a lot of more feedback. ;)



I agree with Apolo, would clarify what your thread was actually about if you did this. ;)
After reading this thread here, I sure hope the majority of you switched your providers. Unless your servers are hosting content which tend to cause the ddos attacks! ;)
The longest for me with with my own servers, there was a huge power outage in my DC due to a tornado - During that time, we had a DDoS Attack, so the servers were down for about 7 days (and this was our first month into the hosting business :() We did refund anyone who wanted a refund, and gave everyone 1 month of free hosting to make up for everything.
I think our has been only minutes. Our server admin's are on it and usually fix it fast as they can. We had ddos attacks a few times but managed to get it fixed etc. Ddos attacks suck bad but hardware can stop it or so they claim.
Yeah, I had a similar experience with one of those fly-by-night hosting companies. $60 for a full year of hosting with 20gb of storage (yeah, I know, too good to be true). About 1 month into it the guy just closes shop and sells his accounts to another person, which that person never gave me access to my site. It was down for about 2 weeks until I could get a new hosting company and get all my most recent data from the other company.

VERY annoying!

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