What is your Favorite control panel?

I prefer cPanel for several reasons. Once being that Fantastico works for cPanel, and clients love Fantastico. Another reason being that since the majority of hosts out there use cPanel, it is generally very easy to transfer a site from their server to ours.
Cpanel mainly because of its ease of use, more features than others, many clients are used to and prefer the cPanel interface. It comes with an addon fantastico which allows you to quickly install a variety of open source scripts.
I think cPanel is a real winner. I have not used any other hosting control panel as much as cPanel. I have tried Ensim and Plesk (Uggh), and none are as easy to work with. I think that hostees really enjoy it too, I get no complaints. More importantly, it is usually the first control panel future customers have used, I know it was for me :).
CPanel is the most popular control panel around, and it's no wonder since it is very user-friendly, that even people who are new into the website-making world will not be intimidated by it. Most potential customers look for CPanel in the hosting plans too, so it would be good if your plans offer CPanel. Of course you can also offer other control panel options for other plans, but always keep CPanel in there.
Strongly agree with Momo, Cpanel is extremely easy to use
Linux is a bit hard to deal with but Cpanel makes it much easier
When Cpanel is installed, you are ready to sell hosting :)
I have had experience with Hsphere, Ensim, Plesk, and cPanel.

I like cPanel and then Hsphere, two of my fav+ control panels :)
cPanel definatly has come along way just look at cPanel 6 Screen-Shots; they have staff working on Windows Avalibility; which is near.

They are thinking of working on a new design.
They have all these great cPanel Skins.
CPSupport, cPanel Pro, WHM XTRA, CPVPS-Coming Soon

And After my previous posts I have to disagree with what I did say on page 1. The price is perfect.
I would highly recommend cpanel. It is full featured, user friendly & best in terms of client satisfaction and preferences.
We just did a full migration to DirectAdmin from CPanel a couple of days ago (CPanel has issues with BSD...). I could definetly not be happier. Runs smoothly and stable. For linux maybe CPanel would still be the preferable choice but for FreeBSD I highly recommend DirectAdmin.
qwidjib0 said:
InterWorx all the way. :)
Very interesting. I have never heard of this panel before. I just checked it now, and it looks very promising. I like the user-friendly interface.

Artashes said:
Very interesting. I have never heard of this panel before. I just checked it now, and it looks very promising. I like the user-friendly interface.


It's *fairly* new to the market - Nexcess.net developed it for their own shared hosting and used it for years, and somewhat recently put it out on the market. I can honestly see iworx taking over the industry if they keep developing as they're doing, we've already dumped cpanel on our free host, and plesk on our paid environment to be all-InterWorx. :thumbsup:
Like most here cPanel wins hands down it's so customer friendly and almost everyone requests cPanel it just seems like the logical way to go. The odd bug I can deal with so that clients are happy about the control panel being used.
Dyna said:
I'm personally using directadmin, its kinda easy and fun to use
i switched over from cpanel to direct admin. its fantastic. just remember to give your clients the enhanced skin as the skin because the default skin reminds me of windows 3.11 .. :)
I am using cubePanel and doing good job to me. Runs smoothly, is very easy to use and has all the features that I need.