What sporting activities do you do?


New member
I was just wondering what kind of sports the HD community does in their spare time / to keep fit?

I do:

Mountain Boarding
Snowboarding (will be starting soon hopefully)

I used to also do Golf for a while but ive pretty much given it up after a nasty accident i had back last September/October.
I find I do not have much time for sports around here. I don't mind a nice game of football or basketball here and there, but that is about it. Otherwise it is just a basic workout routine for me of weight lifting and running.
I am not that activate in sports. The only sport I do is net surfing!:D

Just curious, how do you have a nasty accident while playing golf, was it a full contact game or what?,,lol
I got the left side of my face slashed by an iron. I now have a nice scar :D

There was blood but it only felt like a small knock so i thought that's what it was and i carried on playing because it would probably stop in a few mins. But the bleeding continued and got worse so i thought i had better take a look at it and that was when i got taken to hospital and got it glued together.

It was a nice clean cut but very deep. I have not really touched a club since.
I like to break out my skateboard in the summer and I will ride my bike instead of drive the car in the summer as well. They are building a new bmx track near my house so I might get back into that in the spring.
I need to get a new bike. I was planning on getting a BMX at one point but i never got round to it.

I don't go skateboarding, never quite got the hang of it. I can do mountain boarding though :) - its great fun i recommend it!
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Nice to see someone actually cares about being fit in this chair-loving industry. :D

I have been in professional tennis since I was 6. I don't quite play as much today, nor do I compete as much, but I still practice 3-4 times a week, sometimes more. I do train with great players and evaluate my own level of tennis for about top 20 in Canada. I am also currently a hitting partner to a young 14-year old Russian girl who is top 30 in the world her age. Other than tennis, I train in the gym same 3-4 times a week. In the summertime I sometimes bike.
I work out (weight train) about 3-4 days a week (2-3 days a week through the fall and winter), play baseball, and street/ice hockey.
I walk about 3 miles a day, I practice tai chi, and I'm soon going to re-start bellydancing. I'm the only member of my family who hasn't had back surgery, and I'm really interested in keeping that title...so strengthening my abs and taking pressure off my lower back sounds like a Really Good Idea.

And bellydancing is a heck of a lot more fun than crunches. (Over the years, I've learned: if something isn't fun, on some level, I'll give it up eventually.)
It happened so that I`m sport lover. I really like physical training. I play volley-ball, table-tennis, billiard and also body building as well.:)
I'm so athletic I love sports so much, I often play basketball,billiards,surfing and etc...but I prefer to play and spend more time to skim boarding freestyle.its nice and it's a great game I guess.:thumbup:

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