What you recommend?


New member
My company want to make some scripts for sale. This time we are working on classified and webmail scripts.
Need recommendation from all of you for more scripts. I mean which scripts mostly needed these days and have good market.
Well, its a broad spectrum, but you could start with the following :

Support Ticket Scripts
Multi-Forums Scripts (I'm working on one at the moment)
Billing and Invoicing Software
Control Panels
vBulletin Scripts (ok, I know this doesn't really count, but they are popular)
Forum Skins

You could get some good ideas from the type of things people are looking for in the Employment sections on HostingDiscussion and on another site.

With alot of freelance developers creating 'home-brewed' scripts these days, the big thing that'll set you apart is your use of graphic media and efficient code. I'd reccommend you get a design specialist in to help your company, in order to set yourself apart from the crowd!

A decent CMS software (inpiut/output system) might be a good idea as well. WYSIWYG for cross-browser and cross-platform support are hard to come by. If you have a JS fundi, get him to work on something like that. You never know, I might even buy it from you :)

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